
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Mazars Next: the basis for business decisions

30 June 2020 - It is important for you as a transport operator to always have an up-to-date insight into the performance of your company. The corona crisis has only exacerbated this need.

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Tax in control with a tax control framework

30 June 2020 - In these times of crisis and great uncertainty about the future, you as a transport entrepreneur may notice more than ever how important it is to have insight into your financial position. Where the focus is now mainly on short-term solutions and support measures to absorb the first blows of the corona crisis, it is also important to think about the future.

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Tax position of international drivers

30 June 2020 - As a result of the corona crisis, cross-border traffic has been halted or limited, as a result of which international drivers are not working, or to a lesser extent, across the border. The borders will gradually reopen, but the travel pattern may also look different in the future. This may have consequences for the tax position of international drivers.

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Application of the business tracking scheme in the succession law

30 June 2020 - Recently, the Supreme Court has discussed the application of the business succession scheme (hereinafter: BOR) in the Inheritance Act in three judgments. The BOR is a facility that, if the conditions are met, can postpone or significantly reduce the income and gift or inheritance tax payable on business transfers to successors. Since the judgments concerned gift or inheritance tax, we limit ourselves to this in this report.

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The effectiveness of donation campaigns: from contributor to director

25 June 2020 – The society is changing rapidly and charity organisations have to move along to remain future-proof. The activities of charity organisations are under pressure and they have to deal with declining revenues. That’s why it is essential to look critically to the effectiveness of your donation campagins and the wishes and needs of your (potential) contributors. How can you spend your campaign money as effective as possible?

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The processing of income from inheritances

26 June 2020 - The council for annual reporting (Raad voor de Jaarverslaggeving) has proposed to clarify at which moment the income from inheritances can be determined. According to the council for annual reporting this clarification is necessary because in practice there are different ways to cope with the time of processing and it sometimes involves high costs to determine the scale of inheritances.

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Transitional compensation on business termination

23 June 2020 - By the introduction of the Work and Security Act (Wwz) as of 1 July 2015, the whole of (employment law) the Netherlands has become acquainted with the transition payment. The bottom line is that the employer owes the employee compensation if the employment contract has come to an end on the employer's initiative or because of her seriously culpable act or omission. Until January 1, 2020, the condition was that the employment contract must have lasted at least 24 months, but from that date the transition payment is due from the first day of employment.

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Can a employee discontinue a pension scheme?

23 June 2020 - In practice it still happens regularly that not all employees participate in the employee's pension scheme. The question is whether this can lead to damage for the employer in the future.

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The optimal design of WBSO and the Innovation box

15 June 2020 - The outbreak of the new corona virus is hit hard on entrepreneurs financially. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs have to ask themselves how they will survive this crisis. In that context, the Cabinet has taken various fiscal and financial measures to help entrepreneurs through this time of crisis. In addition to these new possibilities, there are also various existing fiscal and financial measures, which can play an important role in this, including the Research and Development Promotion Act (WBSO) and the innovation box.

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Is waiving the volunteer allowance always tax-deductible?

12 June 2020 – The Tax Authorities announced that waiving the volunteer allowance is only a deduction for the income tax return when the volunteer could have chosen to pay out the compensation.

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Understanding your donation potential: data analysis in the charitable sector

11 June 2020 – Charitable organisations have been dealing with declining revenues for years. The coronacrisis will only strengthen this trend. Contributors will be even more aware and critical about their donations. Because of the lost revenues, the charitable activities will come under even more pressure. That’s why it is crucial for charitable organisations to understand their donation potential. Where are the opportunities for your organisation which will lead to more and higher donations? Data analysis is a vital link in this.

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