
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

The coronacrisis and important issues for...

These are strange times where we face major challenges. The impact of the coronavirus is significant and the situation is constantly evolving. In addition to the general problems, there are also sector-specific problems. We follow the developments closely and inform you about relevant measures.

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The intern and the liability risk

19 March 2020 - As an internship company, you offer an intern an instructive internship. However, an accident can be in a small corner and this can have major consequences. These consequences can be both physical and financial. As an entrepreneur you want to try to minimize these liability risks as much as possible.

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March 19, 2020 - On November 4, 2016, the Supreme Court ruled in the so-called 'Care4Care judgment' (ECLI: NL: HR: 2016: 2356) that hiring an agency work employment contract or payroll agreement does not require the employer to perform an allocation function , in the sense of bringing together supply and demand of (temporary) labor on the labor market. In other words, there was no difference between broadcasting and payrolling.

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Grants for technical innovation

March 19, 2020 - To increase the innovative strength of your company, the government offers a very interesting and promising subsidy scheme. Are you working alone on a feasibility study or with one or more SMEs to develop or renew a product, production process or service? Then it is possible to submit a subsidy application for the MIT scheme (SME innovation stimulation for the Region and Top Sectors).

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Follow-up in the family business - part 2 of 4

20 February 2020 - Our four-part for the family business E-Byke B.V. to be continued: Ad (63 years old) and his wife Bianca (61 years old) are married under marital conditions (cold exclusion). Ad owns 100% of the shares in E-Byke B.V. Ad wants to transfer the company to his daughter Cindy (29). Cindy has been working for E-Byke B.V. for some time. and is engaged in purchasing the parts for the electric bicycles. Son Dirk (26) has no ambition to play a role within E-Byke B.V.

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Tackling climate change: the role of banking regulation and supervision report

Mazars and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) are proud to have come together to produce a global report providing unique insight on current and upcoming financial regulatory evolutions aimed at tackling climate change. What policy adjustments are being undertaken in different jurisdictions around the world to assess and control climate risks? How are these actions likely to develop in future? Find out in our new research and get ready for radical regulatory change.

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SLIM-subsidy: learning and developing in SMEs

February 13 - As of March 2020, there is a new scheme, the SLIM subsidy, that encourages Dutch SMEs to continue to invest in employee development. In addition to SMEs, larger companies in the catering, recreation and agriculture sectors are also eligible for subsidy. Companies can apply for this subsidy to, for example, set up a business school, receive career advice for their employees and keep their employees' skills up-to-date.

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New year tips 2020

February 13, 2020 - We have now been on the road for over a month in the new year and that also means that the new tax changes are already in force. Are you aware of all changes in 2020? Mazars lists the most important changes for you as a transport entrepreneur.

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XXL-warehouses, the advantages and disadvantages

February 13, 2020 - XXL warehouses are increasingly being built under the influence of e-commerce and retail. These are warehouses with a floor space of at least 40,000 m². In this article, the pros and cons are weighed against each other.

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Recruit and keep staff in the transport sector

13 February 2020 - The demand for transport is increasing, but there is a great shortage of drivers. Transporters walk all the ways to get good people. Subsidies, new entrants, a better collective labor agreement, more women in the profession. All things to tackle together with the sector.

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Retirement for foreign workers, have you regulated?

13 February 2020 - Within the Transport & Logistics sector, foreign workers are increasingly deployed who are temporarily seconded to the Netherlands by an employer from another EU country (within or outside the group). These foreign posted workers are in any case entitled to the most important employment conditions that apply in the Netherlands by law and / or generally binding collective labor agreement, such as wages, miscellaneous allowances, expense allowances and year-end bonuses. But in some cases this also includes claims to an industry-wide pension scheme.

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