
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

OSINT benchmark: be aware of your digital footprint

10 June 2020 - The coronacrisis once again underlines the vital importance of Internet connections and the linked IT systems. In the Netherlands, a large number of people are working from home and companies turn to technology to keep them going. Adequate security is therefore an absolute necessity. Are you aware of the digital footprint your company is leaving behind?

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Monitoring in the family business - part 4 of 4

8 June 2020 - In the last part of this four-part section, we will discuss some other options in the transfer of the E-Byke B.V. shares. to Cindy: succession with cumulative preference shares, a trust office foundation and priority shares. An investment by private equity can also facilitate business succession within the family.

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The role of the lawyer in the transaction

14 May 2020 – With every purchase or sales process the need arises to documentate ‘something’ about the transaction and then place a signature under it.

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Family businesses: engine of the Dutch economy

14 May 2020 – Family businesses are the engine of the Dutch economy. Research of the CBS reveals that families are in charge at more than 70% of the companies. Also outside the Netherlands families occupy an important place. There are beautifull stories to tell about family businesses. For example about the formation of the sport brands Adidas and Puma or the Dutch beer brewer Heineken.

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The international network of Mazars Corporate Finance

14 May 2020 – Finding a suitable buyer for a company can be a challenging process. A good match between the buying and selling party is an important aspect of a successful acquisition. The Netherlands has many suitable parties to sell a company to. However, is a Dutch buyer also the best buyer?

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The importance of taking a day off during the coronacrisis

14 May 2020 – For many employees a lot has changed since the intelligent lockdown. Working from home, working with your kids and partner around you, working on a small area. Everyone has their own challenges.

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Performance appraisals during the coronacrisis

11 May 2020 – Halfway through the year it is for many companies time to evaluate and schedule performance appraisals. How are you coping with this during the coronacrisis?

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Renegotiation of financing agreements during the coronacrisis

7 May 2020 – For both borrowers and lenders it is an uncertain time. Banks are waiting for customers to provide information about the consequences of the coronacrisis. At the same time companies expect banks to take the necessary measures to help them through this hard times.

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Reorganising during the coronacrisis

1 May 2020 – These are difficult times for many companies. Where one sector is flourishing, the other sector is under great pressure.

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Monitoring in the family business - part 3 of 4

30 April 2020 - The following situation is outlined in the first part of this four-part section: Ad (63 years old) and his wife Bianca (61 years old) are married under marital conditions (cold exclusion). Ad owns 100% of the shares in E-Byke B.V. Ad wants to transfer the company to his daughter Cindy (29). Cindy has been working for E-Byke B.V. for some time. and is engaged in purchasing the parts for the electric bicycles. Son Dirk (26) has no ambition to play a role within E-Byke B.V. Part 1 focused on the emotional aspects of business transfer, among other things.

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Regulatory flexibility gives banks the tools to support the economy during the coronacrisis

24 April 2020 - With banks no longer the weak link in the financial system, they now have a key role to play in supporting the real economy to survive the coronacrisis. The significant strengthening of prudential regulation over the past decade since the 2008 financial crisis has enabled banking institutions to post solid levels of capital and liquidity, putting them in a stronger position to cope with this unprecedented shock.

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