
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

A good salary in a competitive labour market: how do you determine it?

24 May 2023 - Is setting a fair and competitive salary crucial in a competitive labour market? What role does salary play in employee satisfaction? And as an employer, how do you determine what a fair and competitive salary is in the relevant sector, job, region and all the other factors involved?

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One complete HR and payroll product or an integration between two applications?

24 May 2023 - More often than not, payroll applications choose to evolve towards a complete HR and payroll product. Existing HR functionalities are constantly expanding and new features are added to relieve the entrepreneur of as many HR and payroll related concerns as possible. The payroll engine in place will have to comply with current Dutch legislation and regulations at all times.

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Paid parental leave; what is the amount your employee is entitled to?

23 May 2023 - It will be possible for parents to take paid parental leave from 2 August 2022 onwards. However, this leave must be taken before the child reaches the age of one year. Both parents are entitled to nine times the working hours per week. If an employee has a contract of 24 hours per week, the employee is entitled to 9 x 24 hours = 216 hours of paid parental leave. The employer applies for the benefit from the UWV on behalf of the employee.

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MDIEU scheme - for sustainable employment of employees

17 May 2023 - The Measurement Scheme Sustainable Employability and Earlier Retirement (MDIEU) aims to improve the sustainable employability of workers and allow people with heavy work to retire earlier. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) recently extended the scheme. Not only sectors, but also individual companies can now make use of the subsidy scheme. However, applications must be submitted from 1 September 2023 to 30 November 2023.

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Developments in wage cost benefits (LKV)

15 May 2023 - As an employer, there are numerous subsidies you can take advantage of to reduce wage costs. The benefit of these subsidies can be considerable. Two of these allowances are included in the Wtl (Wages and Salaries Allowances Act). These are the wage cost benefits (LKV) for employees in special target groups and the low-income benefit (LIV) for employees with a relatively low income.

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Spring Statement 2023: tax proposals government

2 May 2023 - On 28 April, the Spring Statement 2023 was sent to the Second Chamber. In it, some adjustments for the business succession scheme in gift and inheritance tax (BOR) and the pass-through income tax scheme (DSR) were proposed.

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Wat betekent CSRD voor u?

Frenkel Mazenier en Danny Janssen hebben voor ABN AMRO Verzekeringen een artikel geschreven over de verplichte duurzaamheidsrapportage CSRD. Wat betekent dit voor u?

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Indexation by pension fund not always a blessing for employers

26 April 2023 - In recent months, several sector pension funds have pleased members with a (significant) increase in their pensions. For the employers involved, the increase results in a significant notice from their pension provider. The question is whether the employer can do anything about this?

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What does the labour market of the future look like?

26 April 2023 - Social Affairs and Employment Minister Van Gennip presented a set of labour market measures to the House of Representatives on 3 April. With this package, Van Gennip hopes to give people more certainty about their income and schedule and to better protect freelancers. At the same time, the measures should lead to more agility for entrepreneurs.

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Tax controls and the premium discount

25 April 2023- The Tax and Customs Administration checks employers on making a correct payroll tax return. As a result of the findings of the Tax Authorities during the audit, there are sometimes differences of opinion on a number of points. This can be discussed, but if there remains a difference of opinion and an additional assessment is imposed, objection will have to be lodged. In this contribution we give a top 10 of the topics that are corrected the most and we discuss in particular discussions that may arise about the premium discount.

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Standpunten kennisgroepen Belastingdienst voor maatschappelijke organisaties

21 april 2023 - De standpunten van de kennisgroepen van de Belastingdienst worden sinds 30 maart 2023 openbaar gemaakt op de website In de kennisgroepen zitten experts van de Belastingdienst. Zij nemen standpunten in na uitgebreide analyses van vragen die opkomen hoe een bepaalde wettelijke regel moet worden uitgelegd en toegepast. Dit zorgt voor eenheid van beleid en uitvoering van regelgeving door de Belastingdienst. Ook voor maatschappelijke organisaties zijn inmiddels diverse relevante standpunten ingenomen en gepubliceerd. Daar willen wij u graag op wijzen.

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