Erik Burghout Senior Payroll Consultant

Personal quote / vision
Helping Forvis Mazars relations on their way in 'payroll country', relieving them of worries (for example in the field of legislation and regulations or automation), going through the opportunities and risks involved and responding to what is going on with the relations and the market; that is what challenges me. Turning my knowledge and experience into opportunities and solutions for them, gives me as Senior Payroll Consultant Forvis Mazars, Registered Payroll Professional (RPP), energy and challenge again and again.
Specialist experience
- Driven, energetic, focus to relieve relationships and service-oriented
- Setting up administrations and work processes
- Analysis of organization & opportunities and risks
- Translating regulations and legislation into practice
- Automation within the profession
Specialist customer experience
- Responsible for diverse personnel and salary administration assignments
- In the execution of these and of diverse payroll consulting and change processes
- Extensive experience in providing services to SMEs up to 200 employees
- Active in the field of professional technique, quality control, organization and commercial expressions
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Erik Burghout
Who we are
- Wage index (‘cao wages’) through February 2025
- Wage index (collective bargaining wages) to October 2024
- Loonindex (cao-lonen) tot en met mei 2024
- Loonindex (cao-lonen) tot en met februari 2024
- Loonindex (cao-lonen) tot en met oktober 2023
- Subsidy scheme for practical Learning: start application by June 2023
- Webinars Payroll accounting
- Alle kansen voor uw personeels- en salarisadministratie goed benut
- What premium does the employer receive for the employee with a benefit from the UWV?
- Transitional law on life-course savings amended
- Parental leave in 2022 nine weeks partially paid
- Tax benefits for electric cars in the period 2020-2025
- Actieve informatieplicht werkgever bij (verjaring) vakantiedagen
- Hogere onbelaste vergoeding geven aan werknemers
- De waarde van een vakantiedag geeft discussie
- Gedeeltelijke transitievergoeding bij gedeeltelijk ontslag
- Nieuw in 2018: Jeugd lage-inkomensvoordeel voor werkgevers
- Subsidieregeling praktijkleren: start aanvraag per 2 juni 2019