Egon de Prouw Partner

Egon Prouw, de

Personal quote / vision

I have a hands-on mentality and enjoy helping people move forward. For my clients I am not only an auditor, but also a source of questions and a sounding board. I also keep them informed of relevant developments in laws and regulations, so they are always aware of opportunities and risks. I also think along with the user of the financial statements. How do they get the most insight into the organization's figures and how do financial statements become easy to read?

Specialist experience

  • As sector leader of Social organizations, I have extensive experience in auditing financial statements and subsidy statements of social organizations and I am in contact with specialists in this sector in the field of IT, taxation and governance, among others
  • As sector leader for Culture, I act as the specialist for cultural institutions, such as theaters, art stages and museums Cultural institutions fulfill an important social need and are attracting increasing interest from politicians and society. Cultural entrepreneurship is evident among organizations in the cultural sector
  • Cultural institutions are forced by market forces to raise the bar ever higher in realizing their objectives, work in a businesslike manner, control costs and generate additional income

Specific customer experience

  • Cultural institutions
  • Social organizations (associations / foundations, both Dutch and European)
  • Internationally operating companies

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