
Cultural institutions fulfil an important social need and are increasingly taking centre stage in politics and society. Cultural entrepreneurship is clearly present in organisations in the cultural sector, such as theatres, art venues and museums. The market mechanism is forcing cultural institutions to raise the bar ever higher in order to achieve their objectives, working on a commercial basis, controlling costs and generating additional income.

Your challenges

With our sector-specific knowledge and rich experience, we can support you and your cultural institution in your challenges, such as:

  • Your tax liability: Sales tax, profit tax and wage tax that may or may not apply, as well as the exemptions that apply to your cultural institution under certain conditions.
  • Your PBO status: Getting an PBO (public benefit organisation) status and the specific obligations and challenges of maintaining that ANBI status. With our PBO quick scan, you will quickly find out whether your institution still meets the conditions.
  • Cultural Governance Code: Forvis Mazars can help you comply with the guidelines by giving substance to the governance model and by conducting an annual risk analysis in order to prevent (among other things) conflicts of interest and safeguard the performance agreements made.
  • The Dutch Guideline for Annual Reporting 640: This guideline prescribes how cultural institutions should account for their activities to their stakeholders. Among other things, the extent of reporting depends on its specific nature, and its size and complexity. Our specialists can help you structure your annual reporting in the right way.
  • Resilience: Formulating a well-founded justification of the desired size of your equity capital and identifying potential risks;

Our approach

Our multi-disciplinary team of sector specialists helps non-profit organisations maintain their tax-exempt status, as well as provides a range of audit, tax, and advisory services to secure operational continuity and develop a sustainable business model. You have a single point of contact who manages a team of experienced professionals who understand your specific needs. 

Our services

  • Audit and accounting 
  • Tax planning and compliance
  • Business operations
  • Risk and internal control
  • IT audit and advisory
  • HR consultancy
  • Governance
  • Dutch Public and Semi-Public Sector Senior Officials (Standard Remuneration) Act

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