#Mazarsforgood 創新挑戰賽

The #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge wants to reward innovative ideas from young aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs that can transform the way companies engage with their employees, society and business.

Rallying aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to change companies for good!

Logo #Mazarsforgood LinkedIn optimized

The #MazarsforGood Innovation Challenge, starting on Monday, January 26, is open to all aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs from 20 to 30 years old, willing to make an impact with an innovative product, service or process using technology and design thinking that can change companies for good.

The #Mazarsforgood  jury, composed of Mazarians along with a panel of experts in human capital development, entrepreneurship, innovation and social enterprise are asking the potential participants to "change companies for good in 90 seconds!": participants can register on ideasforgood.mazars.com and choose a category for which they want to change corporates: “you, the employee”, “society” or “business”.











A 90-second video presenting the idea as well as an idea canvas giving more details to the jury will be asked from the participants in the first phase of the challenge. Teams of 2 members minimum and 3 members maximum can compete for one of the 3 categories mentioned above. 

Ideas will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • The creativity and boldness of the idea (30%),
  • Relevance of the idea and inclusion of social needs (30%),
  • Quality of presentation of the idea and its popularity (20%),
  • Feasibility of the idea (20%).

Leveraging social networks is one of the key aspects of the challenge as teams are asked to promote their ideas by posting their videos on YouTube or Youku and share them on social networks with the #mazarsforgood hashtag to gain likes from the public.

Winning teams will share USD 70,000 in total prize money:

  • The top winning team for each category will win US$ 20,000.
  • The second-place teams for each category will win US$ 2,000.
  • The third-place teams for each category will win US$ 1,000.
  • The most popular idea will receive US$ 1,000.

The 3 top winning teams will also have the opportunity to present their projects and receive their awards during Mazars’ Annual Conference in Belgium, Brussels. This annual event gathers Mazars' leaders worldwide in mid-December 2015 (date to be announced). Follow our Innovation Challenge on the #Mazarsforgood blog and on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube) with the #Mazarsforgood hashtag

The HUB Singapore, #MazarsforGood Community Partner

hub square lg


The #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge welcomes the HUB Singapore as a Community Partner. 


The HUB Singapore is a home for purpose-driven people who use ventures and ideas to build a better world. They are curators of spaces, community and content for inspiration, action and collaboration. The HUB Singapore is part of the Impact HUB Global Network, gathering 63 open impact hubs across 5 continents. Learn more about them on http://singapore.impacthub.net/

Why Mazars launches the #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge ?

As millennials represent approximately 80% of Mazars' workforce and will represent 75% of the global workforce by 2025, Mazars' objective with the #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge is to involve future leaders, potential future employees as well as its young professionals in the enhancement of sustainability in the business world and foster an intrapreneurial and innovative culture.

How to participate in the #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge?

The platform for teams to enroll in the innovation challenge will be released and open on January 26, 2015.

Interested in participating ? Join the #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge now!


The #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge will start on January 26, 2015.

Phase 1: Call for entries - from January 26, 2015 to April 14, 2015 at 8:00 pm CET.

Phase 2: Selection of ideas, mentoring by the jury for the remaining 5 teams per category from April 15, 2015 to May 29, 2015.” et mettre “Phase 2: Selection of the remaining teams per category from April 15, 2015 to June 1, 2015.

Phase 3: Second part of the challenge for the remaining teams - from June to September 10, 2015 at 8pm CET.

Phase 4: Winners selection - September 21, 2015.

Phase 5: Award ceremony at the Mazars 2015 CARL Conference in Belgium, Brussels - mid December 2015 (date to be announced).

Dates appearing on this calendar are subject to change.


Poster #Mazarsforgood Innovation Challenge
#Mazarsforgood - How to Participate

The #Mazarsforgood jury

The #Mazarsforgood jury is composed of Mazarians and outsiders with expertise in driving sustainability, innovation and intrapreneurship in startups and large organizations.


Mazarsforgood challenge

Jauffret Pascal
Jauffret Pascal Member of the Group Executive Board - Paris
