Veronika Gloßner Partner
Areas of expertise
- Other certification services
- Support for government tax audits
- Income tax
- International tax consulting
- International tax law
- Conception of investment funds
- Tax Accounting
- Investment Income Tax
- Withholding Taxes
- Operational Taxes
- Structuring of Assets
- Business process outsourcing
Special sector knowledge
- Financial Services
- Financial service providers
- Funds
- Capital management companies
- Banking institutions
- Structured investments
- Asset management firms
- Investment Funds and Special Investment Funds
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Veronika Gloßner
Who we are
- Mazars’ flagship conference
- Besteuerung von Kryptowährungen im Privatvermögen
- FATCA-Meldungen 2020: Neuregelung zur US-TIN
- Teil-Unwirksamkeit der AGB-Banken: Änderungsbedarf bei Leistungs- und Entgeltanpassung durch die Bank
- Jahressteuergesetz 2020: Verlustverrechnung bei Termingeschäften
- Financial performance of European banks in the context of the Covid-19 crisis
- DAC6 erfolgreich managen