Marcus Weicken Manager
Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Energy, infrastructure & environment
- Public & social sector
- Transport & logistics
- German
Brief biography
- Since 2019 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2006 - 2018 PwC Legal AG law firm
- Since 07/2000 PwC AG auditing company
- Until 06/2000 Wibera AG auditing company
- 1988 - 1991 Volksbank Dortmund eG
- 1997 - 1999 legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, Nordrhein-Westfalen
- 1992 - 1996 Studies at the Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Marcus Weicken provides legal advice to companies and public sector entities. He has extensive experience in the legal and strategic support of complex organizational processes at the municipal, state and federal levels. One focus of his experience is on complex cases involving state aid, public procurement and subsidy law. He focuses on providing comprehensive legal advice to companies and public authorities in the transport sector. Marcus Weicken takes over the management and implementation of complex award processes, advises on in-house solutions, the contractual design of grant relationships as well as infrastructure projects of the public sector. The procedural representation of legally demanding mandates before administrative courts and public procurement matters rounds off his activity profile.
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Pages associated to Marcus Weicken
Who we are
- ÖPNV – Mobilität: Keine Pflicht des ÖPNV-Aufgabenträgers zu vollständigem Kostenausgleich
- Eigenwirtschaftlich tätige Verkehrsunternehmen sind von öffentlicher Investitionsförderung nicht ausgeschlossen
- EU-Kommission
- Bundesrechnungshof
- Bundesverwaltungsgericht
- „Clean-Vehicles-Directive“: Deutscher Bundestag beschließt das „SaubFahrzeugBeschG“
- Dringlichkeitsvergaben II: „Covid-19-Verfahrenserleichterungen“
- Dringlichkeitsvergaben I: „Buslinienverkehr Enzkreis“
- Verwaltungsgericht Magdeburg: Durchsetzung eines eigenwirtschaftlichen Antrags im Eilverfahren
- Verwaltungsgericht Köln zur eigenwirtschaftlichen Konkurrentenklage