Julia Kleinschmidt Manager

Lawyer, Maître en droit
Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Healthcare & life sciences
- German
- English
- French
Brief biography
- Since 2020 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2018 – 2020 Associate at Dierks+Company Rechtanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (Berlin), Associate
- Traineeship at the Kammergericht (Court of Appeal) Berlin
- Law Student at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris (Maître en droit)
Julia Kleinschmidt has been a lawyer at Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) since 2020. She is part of the healthcare praxis group, specializing in medical devices and digital health. She advises manufacturers of medical devices and service providers in the healthcare sector, such as universities, hospitals and physicians. Her primary focus is on the consultancy of manufacturers of medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and other healthcare providers regarding their Market Access. She is specialized in cost reimbursement law, physicians’ professional law and healthcare compliance. Previously to her employment at Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars), she worked at two law firms in Berlin, specializing in Health Care and Life Sciences subjects.
Speaker activity
- Speaker for the startup qualification program "4C Accelerator Tübingen" (Funding partner: Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg and its Startup BW campaign, B. Braun Foundation and Hector Foundation) since 2021
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Pages associated to Julia Kleinschmidt
Who we are
- Pharmaindustrie: Impulse für eine sinnvolle Ergänzung des Portfolios durch digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA)
- Zustand und Rahmenbedingungen des deutschen Pflegemarktes: Chancen für die Digitalisierung?
- Referentenentwurf zum Digital-Gesetz (DigiG): DiGA – quo vadis?
- Reimbursement von digitalen Medizinprodukten
- Die DiPA steht in den Startlöchern – ein Überblick zum aktuellen Stand: „Leitfaden 0.9“
- Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen
- Sars-CoV-2-Antigenschnelltests wegen mangelnder Sensitivität in der Kritik
- Side event of the DMEA: “Go to market – legal and commercial aspects for digital health products in Germany”
- Webinar: Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen – Anforderungen an die Erstattungsfähigkeit von Digitalen Pflegeanwendungen (DiPA)
- Webinar: Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen – Compliance im Gesundheitswesen
- Aktuelle regulatorische Erkenntnisse nach dem Geltungsbeginn der MDR
- Ambient Assisted Living