Juan Luque Gala Audit Partner

Juan Luque holds a degree in Economics and Business from the Central University of Barcelona, a PDD diploma from IESE, and is a certified auditor registered in the Official Register of Auditors of Accounts of Spain (ROAC). He is also certified in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) and is a member of the College of Economists, ACCID, and the Institute of Internal Auditors of Spain.
He joined Forvis Mazars (then Mazars) in 1989, was appointed Partner of the Firm in Spain in 2001, and International Partner of Forvis Mazars in 2004. With over 20 years of experience in auditing and business consulting, he has led a wide variety of projects for companies and multinational groups in various sectors, including the financial and insurance sectors. Throughout his professional career, he has taken on the responsibility as a partner for numerous projects in financial auditing, due diligence, valuations, transaction services, and particularly, since his international association, in Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Internal Control-Internal Audit, and Legal Compliance (GRC) projects.
Throughout his professional career and for more than 10 years, he has collaborated as a professor of financial auditing in various courses at the Col.legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya, the University of Barcelona, and various postgraduate courses at Les Heures (University of Barcelona - Fundació Bosch i Gimpera). He has organized and participated in numerous conferences, workshops, and seminars specializing in auditing and finance, and especially in recent years, in matters related to GRC, where he regularly participates as a member of the expert forum of the Institute of Internal Auditors.
Since 2007, he has been the Partner responsible for GRC in Spain and a member of the International Consulting/GRC services Committee at the Mazars Group. Functionally, since September 2012, he has been part of the International Country Business Unit Leaders – OMB (Owner Management Business) of the Forvis Mazars Group, representing Forvis Mazars Spain.
Currently, he is a member of the Management Committee of Forvis Mazars in Spain.