Key metrics

Payback period: 8 months

Effort saved: 0,7 FTEs

Processed cases yearly: 2250

Challenge description

  • Client’s employees need to daily manually download bank statements for 10+ entities from bank server and upload them to SAP
  • Process and technology is not standardized across countries in scope


  • Robot is triggered automatically based on pre-defined daily schedule, logins to bank environment (server / application) download statement, uploads it to SAP and archives it into Sharepoint

Process steps

  1. Initiate process based on daily schedule
  2. Open bank application and download daily statement
  3. Import statements to SAP
  4. Store uploaded statements to Sharepoint
  5. Inform user about process completion

Systems used

MS Excel, MS Outlook, SAP, Sharepoint

Technology used

Uipath rpa