The goal and vision of the amendment to the VAT Act was a simpler application of the rules and a lower bureaucratic burden. Whether the vision turns into reality will be shown by practice. Nonetheless, this does not change the fact that there are many changes and it is easy to get lost in them. Let our tax experts guide you through the news. Fill in the short form below & watch the replay.
On 6 December 2022 The National Council of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter „NC SR“) approved the Amendment to the VAT Act, which will introduce several new obligations for taxpayers. The Amendment to the VAT Act in the proposed wording takes effect from 1 January 2023, in the case of some provisions from 1 January 2024.
The Financial Administration of Slovak Republic delivers the notifications about the Tax Reliability Index to the taxpayers. Do you know what the assigned Tax Reliability Index means to you?
On 6 December 2022 the National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the amendment of the Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax Act (ITA) as well as Act No. 563/2009 Coll. on Tax Administration (Tax Code), which considerably clarifies and supplements the provisions in transfer pricing.
Contact us
Ivana Bošková
Senior Manager, Tax
Považská Bystrica