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Podaním daňového priznania a účtovnej závierky sa povinnosti súvisiace s predchádzajúcim účtovným obdobím nekončia

Mnohí podnikatelia po podaní daňového priznania a účtovnej závierky na Finančnú správu Slovenskej republiky (FS SR) považujú všetky náležitosti súvisiace s predchádzajúcim účtovným obdobím za uzavreté. Pozrime sa preto, aký je postup následných povinností týkajúcich sa účtovnej závierky.

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Tlačová správa - Mýty verzus skutočnosť o audite. Budúcnosť prinesie zmeny.

Počas globálnej pandémie investujú štáty miliardy eur do záchrany firiem. Riziko ich krachu je vyššie, preto je podľa odborníkov nevyhnutné kontrolovať ako využijú prostriedky daňových poplatníkov. Jednu z foriem predstavuje aj audit. Čelí však výzvam. Hospodársky a menový výbor Európskeho parlamentu v reakcii na bankrot spoločnosti Wirecard volá po reforme auditu. Žiada ju aj trh. Vyplýva to z medzinárodného zaslepeného prieskumu audítorskej, daňovej a poradenskej spoločnosti Mazars.

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Tlačová správa - Investovanie v strednej a východnej Európe: fúzie a akvizície v období 2020/2021

Stredná a východná Európa zostáva atraktívna pre investorov. Pandémia koronavírusu neohrozila trh s fúziami a akvizíciami. Slovensko síce zaznamenalo pokles, no v tomto roku sa očakáva oživenie

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Mazars is partnering CEE private equity & venture capital conference

For another year in a row, Mazars, as a leading advisor in private equity and venture capital in CEE, has become one of the partners of the 2nd edition of leading CEE PE & VC virtual conference which is happening from 16th to 18th March. Our experts will present key findings and insights focused on PE and VC regional market.

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Mazars ranked among top M&A transaction advisors in CEE region for 2020

Mazars is delighted to announce that, for the 5th year in a row, our transaction advisory services team has been ranked among the top 5 M&A transaction advisors by number of successful deals according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2020’ for Central & Eastern Europe.

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Private equity funds increasingly optimistic and vast majority actively seeking new opportunities in 2021.

24 February 2021: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases ‘Covid-19 and the world of private equity: optimism in an uncertain environment’ , a global survey that gauges investor sentiment in the institutional funding market.

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Payroll changes as of 1 March 2021

Download an overview of changes in the payroll legislation prepared by our HR & payroll experts and stay always updated.

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Resilience despite Covid-19: New annual barometer from Mazars shows C-suite surprisingly optimistic about future

A year like no other: Mazars publishes 2019/20 annual report

For people, businesses and society, 2020 was a year like no other. With the global Covid-19 crisis many have faced extreme challenges; people and families across the world have lost loved ones too early and suffered previously unthinkable restrictions to their lives and livelihoods as governments, companies and other institutions battled to contain the virus. The unique challenge for business has been how to respect the necessity to preserve life while fulfilling its duty to meet society’s needs in a financially sustainable way.

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Mazars announces good 2019/20 results, confirming its strong position on the audit, tax and advisory market

Mazars’ good 2019/20 results confirm its strong position on the audit, tax and advisory market, allowing the group to reaffirm its commitment to shaping a healthier audit industry

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