Estudos e Pesquisas

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Análise comparativa das taxas de IRC em Portugal numa perspetiva Europeia

A redução das taxas de IRC vigentes em Portugal foi identificada como um dos objetivos "primordiais" da reforma do IRC.

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Report on Human Rights and Business

The road from principles to practice: Today’s challenges for business in respecting human rights is a global report by The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Mazars and a group of organisations including multinational companies, a law firm, governments, NGOs and business groups.

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Media: Challenged by Mobility and Multi-Screens

Over the last ten years, the media industry has seen revolutionary changes, particularly in the areas of consumer behavior, the rise of global internet connectivity, developments in mobile telephone and tablet usage and a marked increase in user-produced content. Media companies seized the opportunities presented by this new wave of digitalization, rethinking their business strategies to ensure steady growth. The third edition of our annual media barometer discusses changes in this fast-moving industry, analyzing performance in three key areas: revenue, profitability and cash.

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Welcome to the Women’s planet!

Mazars and the French National Committee for UN Women have the pleasure to invite you to immerse in the daily lives of some 2,400 women from 3 different generations (Generation W, born between 1945 and 1960, Generation X born between 1961 and 1980, and Generation Y born between 1981 and 1995), in 108 countries: Welcome to the Women’s planet!

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2013 French Fashion and Luxury Study

To strengthen the competitiveness of the fashion and luxury industry value-chains, a committee led by the French Ministry in charge of competitiveness, industry and services (DGIS : Direction Générale de la Compétitivité, de l‘Industrie et des Services) has commissioned Mazars to conduct a study to “identify all French fashion and luxury industry players and map their contributions to external trade” – a first step in the major challenge of ensuring the industry’s sustainability.

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How to be a 'Stand-Out SME'

There is no doubt that SMEs are and will always be the back bone of every economy in Europe. There are over 20 million SMEs in Europe and they have contributed to the generation of substantial income, employment, outputs, innovation and new technologies.

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The European banking union. What will it mean in practice for banks?

The European Commission’s announcement of 12 September 2012 is designed – as part of a package of wider measures - to create the conditions in which the Eurozone’s creditor member states can provide financial assistance to banks in weaker member states. Whether it achieves this objective will be a function of politics, not EC legislation. In our view, the important issue for banks is how the proposals will affect how they are regulated. As this is not immediately obvious, nor necessarily contained in the EC’s announcement, this note summarises what these latest regulatory changes could mean in practice for banks.

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