Business - It's Personal

No matter how long a company has been around for, what industry they’re in or who their customers are, there’s no getting away from the fact that each business is unique.

That’s why we’ve developed ten articles on the issues that matter most to you. From succession to sustainability, expanding internationally to hiring and motivating Gen Z, these articles centre around the personal element inherent in running and growing medium-sized businesses.

Dealing with COVID-19 as a privately owned business

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic is a very serious threat to the health and wellbeing of people throughout the world. The spread of the virus, as well as efforts to contain it, are now significantly impacting our daily lives. The priority must be to take all actions required to mitigate the effect of the pandemic and protect our people. We must also acknowledge the inevitable knock-on effect of major economic uncertainty, which hugely impacts privately-owned businesses.

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Como criar valor sustentável em empresas de média dimensão

Apesar dos fatores de empreendedorismo que podem constituir uma força por trás de muitos negócios, alguns enfrentam ainda desafios quando se trata de alcançar valor sustentável.

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Sete etapas para criar um negócio internacional de sucesso

Exportar numa empresa de média dimensão pode criar oportunidades de crescimento significativas, mas muitos gestores mostram-se relutantes em sair do mercado doméstico. Apesar de o comércio global ter aumentado 38 vezes nas últimas seis décadas, apenas uma pequena percentagem das empresas aposta na exportação. No Reino Unido, por exemplo, apenas uma em cada dez empresas exporta, enquanto nos EUA esse número cai para uma em 100.

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How to enhance your business’ value through exit planning

While most business owners understand the importance of planning how they will exit their business, the time invested in it does not always get the attention it deserves due to the demands of daily operations.

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Recruiting and retaining Gen Z

As Millennials, or Generation Y, grow into the founders, directors and managers of today’s workplace, focus is now shifting towards the new cohort coming through: Gen Z. Born between 1995 and the early 2000s, Gen Z are either just entering employment, or starting to think about what they want from their careers. They are the future leaders for growing businesses and the race is on to attract and retain them.

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How to successfully scale and grow your business

For all the good that growth can deliver, many medium-sized businesses come to a point where it can begin to negatively impact processes, management and employees.

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How to improve financial performance and transform your business

In today’s complex business environment, developing a consistent approach to measuring and improving financial performance can be challenging. However, by ensuring measures are in place and in line with the business’ strategy, it can help enhance financial standing. Without sufficient transparency, important strategic decisions and respective measures are basically not possible. As they say, “you can only manage what you can measure!”

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Seven steps to creating a successful international business

Exporting your medium-sized business abroad can create significant growth opportunities, yet many are reluctant to venture out of their home market. Despite world trade increasing 38-fold over the last 60 years, only a small proportion of all businesses export abroad. In the UK, for example, just one in ten businesses export, while in the US that number plummets to one in 100.

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How to create sustainable value in medium-sized companies

Despite the strong entrepreneurial drivers that can be a force behind many businesses, some still face challenges when it comes to achieving sustainable value.

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Three simple steps to kickstart your sustainability strategy

Executing a business sustainability strategy is more important than ever and is essential for the long-term success of a company.

Not only does it help in the development of your business vision and strategy, but a sustainability strategy will also help to reduce unnecessary costs through the implementation of leaner and smarter processes.

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