Staying connected despite the corona crisis: IT is the vital link

Businesses around the world right now are counting themselves lucky for having built up resilient, effective IT infrastructure over recent years. It is the vital link for work and social activities in these exceptional times of crisis.

Online possibilities help alleviate the physical isolation that many of us are experiencing right now. Working from home is the new rule. Contacts between employees and with suppliers and clients are only digital through e-mail and video calls. We are doing everything online, and we are online all the time. We make appointments, schedule logistical activities and sales (hopefully) are continuing. We are succeeding in keeping business processes running during this time because of IT connectivity. During the physical lockdown, the digital economy continues, and IT is a lifeline for many organisations.

The downside is that IT is the final lifeline in these exceptional times. Of course, it is crucial to scale-up the IT capacity and IT functionality wherever necessary. However, this also introduces new vulnerabilities which can have negative implications on security and continuity measures. Institutions that exist to protect us online are warning that cyber criminals are taking advantage of the coronavirus crisis via phishing, hacking and malware attacks. Nobody would want a second crisis, on top of the coronavirus crisis – but it’s a looming possibility.

Mazars experts can help you control your IT and cyber risks so that an IT crisis can be detected early and mitigated. If a vulnerability occurs, you can be well equipped to contain it. We can assist with executing a risk analysis assessment on the security and continuity of your IT infrastructure; testing cyber security on online systems (vulnerability scan and penetration tests); executing a cyber security test on the IT infrastructure; assessing the security of working from home; and advising on the risks of phishing, malware and other methods of cybercrime. For suppliers of IT services, we can perform IT audits focused on the control of IT risks, of which the reporting can be provided to your clients.

All of the above activities can be carried out remotely. Please contact one of our experts to discuss your situation in more detail.

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