The tax system: selling your transport company - part 3 of 4

30 June 2020 - What are the options for achieving a fiscally and organisationally favorable structure for the transfer of your transport company? That is a question that we have already addressed in part 3 of the four-part "The optimal structure". The possibilities of contributing to a private limited company and splitting up business activities were discussed. In part 3 of this four-part section, we will take you further into one of the options for optimally structuring your tax structure in the event of a sale of your company.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about the optimal structure for your company? Please contact Pieter Tra by email or by telephone: +31 (0) 88 277 18 95 or Joost Grieving by email or by telephone: +31 (0) 88 277 18 71. They will be happy to help you.

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