Pieter Tra Partner

Pieter Tra

Personal quote / vision

Working in an internationally organized company ensures that we can optimally relieve our clients from a high standard of quality. In the Forvis Mazars human organization, the relationship is central.

Specialist experience

  • Business succession
  • Restructuring
  • Strategy
  • Family businesses
  • Transport and logistics market group
  • Specific client experience
  • Sparring partner and advisor for entrepreneurs in family business and especially the transportation and logistics market
  • Supervise tax audits and procedures

Education and work experience

  • Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences 1984- 1988
  • NFB Academy
  • Deloitte 1988 -2008
  • Board member Stak NEC 2014 - 2020 (Chairman from 2015)
  • Tax partner and shareholder specialising in Transport & Logistics as well as family businesses 2008 - present
  • Chairman NEC Continuity Foundation 2021 - present

Additional functions

  • Chairman Foundation Continuity NEC 2021

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