Eline Polak Partner

Personal quote / vision
Expert, client-driven and solution-driven.
Specialist experience
- National and international VAT
- International trade & customs
Education and work experience
- 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | Partner indirect tax\
- 2016 - 2024 | Mazars | Partner indirect tax
- 2010 - present | (deputy) judge tax chamber Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal
- 2005 - 2010 | judge Customs Chamber and Tax Chamber of the District Court of Noord-Holland
- 1996 - 2005 | attorney at law (Van Doorne, BakerMcKenzie)
- 1993 - 1995 | KPMG Meijburg & Co, indirect tax consultant
- 1995 - 1996 | University of Amsterdam | Dutch & Tax Law
Additional positions
- Deputy Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden
- Author & speaker at seminars on indirect tax and international trade
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Eline Polak
- Budget Day 2024: measures for business and trade
- De juiste balans: hoe technologie en duurzaamheid complementair zijn aan elkaar
- Stakeholder engagement: de sleutel tot een succesvolle transitie van uw onderneming
- De kansen en uitdagingen van de ESG-transitie voor ondernemers in de consumer sector
- Omarm de transitie van uw onderneming in de consumer sector
- Sustainable, smart, and synchronised: using technology to accelerate the ESG transition in the consumer sector
- Budget Day 2022: VAT and customs
- Budget Day 2021: VAT and customs
- Brexit
Who we are
- Court of Justice of the EU : stricter enforcement on circumventing customs duties
- Council members agree on ViDA directive implementation
- Recent developments customs valuation and transfer pricing
- Masterclass | CBAM-rapportage: wat u moet weten
- CBAM | Initial experiences and recent developments
- European Parliament voted in favor of regulation to ban products made with forced labor
- European Commission publishes VAT in the Digital Age proposals
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Ensuring your supply chain is compliant
- DAC 7 - Also leads to new VAT requirements
- Deforestation-free Regulation: ensuring you supply chain is compliant
- Risk for transporters regarding excisable goods
- VAT and transport of goods to Northern Ireland
- VAT and services between the home country company and a foreign fixed establishment
- Claim your VAT from the UK for 2020 no later than 31 March 2021
- The EU reaches agreement on export controls on sensitive dual-use of goods and technologies
- Customs value may include free of charge software produced in the EU
- Terugkijken: webinar Prinsjesdag 2020
- The impact of royalties on the customs value
- VAT and e-commerce: new rules as of July 2021
- Publicatie 'Global Trade and Customs'
- Important change in customs regulation for non-EU-based businesses
- Changes in the VAT rate for the maritime shipping and offshore industry
- Gewijzigde toepassing btw-nultarief bij zeeschepen
- New VAT rules for entrepreneurs trading within the EU
- Wanneer heeft u recht op btw-aftrek bij een (mislukte) aankoop van een deelneming?
- Nieuwe regels voor btw op grensoverschrijdende diensten en leveringen
- Btw-aftrek: vermelding van postbusadres op factuur kan voldoende zijn
- Nieuw btw-besluit voor telecommunicatiediensten