AEO: are you in control?

Are you one of the more than 1,000 businesses in the Netherlands that have AEO certification? And would you like to keep that status? If so, you need to ensure that you are ‘in control’ and regularly check your business processes.

The advantages of an AEO certification

AEO certification will not just enable you to benefit from a more flexible approach adopted by the customs administration but will also increase your attractiveness as a national or international trading partner. Increasingly, businesses are asked in commercial processes whether they are AEO-certified. That status will create opportunities for your organisation.

At the same time, AEO-certification also entails a number of obligations. European customs regulations require those businesses to evaluate their customs processes regularly and, where necessary, take action to remain compliant with the regulations. Any failure to do so will endanger the AEO status and in the worst scenario cause it to lapse.

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