
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Additional charge for private use of car

30 March 2021 - The addition for the private use of a company car continues to attract attention, according to recent case law. The addition applies if an employee drives more than 500 kilometers on an annual basis for private purposes, with a company car.

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Publication requirements for ANBIs: standard forms available

29 March 2021 - As of 1 January 2021, new conditions are imposed on the publication obligation for so-called large ANBIs. These large ANBIs are required to use standard forms with regard to their publication obligation. These are now available. What is the impact of these changed publication obligation?

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Expat tax alert Q&A 2020: Dutch personal income tax return

22 March 2021 - The Dutch tax season is back. The Dutch tax authorities expect your tax return to be filed by 8 May, so it’s time to get prepared. We have racked up 10 frequently asked questions about the 2020 personal income tax filing in the Netherlands.

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Time to further automate your HR and payroll processes

18 March 2021 - HR advisors typically spend a lot of time on repetitive HR and payroll processes. Think of the administrative hassle or data that is spread across various files. In the absence of an HR department, these tasks are often performed by management. The time involved could often be spent better or in a different way. Also, since the corona crisis, working from home is not only a necessity but also increasingly popular. It is important that the processes are further adapted to this.

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Covid-19 and the world of private equity

The Assessment of Working Relationship Web Module is online

10 March 2021 - The Assessment of Working Relationship Web Module helps clients assess whether an assignment may be performed outside the scope of employment, i.e. by a self-employed person. The purpose of the web module is to clarify the rules for hiring self-employed workers and when payroll taxes must be paid. Although there is still talk of a pilot until October 1, the web module already provides insight into whether it is worthwhile to investigate the employment relationship further (or have it investigated).

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Never waste a good crisis - work on your business, not in your business

25 February 2021 - That a crisis can offer opportunities we have seen in previous crises. Whether it was the Great Depression in 1929, the dotcom crisis in 2000, the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States or the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, humanity and entrepreneurs in particular have always come out stronger in the end. Those who managed to adapt well always proved to be the winners.

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Financing options if your business outgrows the bank

25 February 2021 - Much has been written about the relationship between companies and banks. It is often referred to as a partnership. The bank is a partner that provides financing so that the company can conduct its business. For many companies, they are financed with one bank. This is practical for the company and usually also a condition of the bank when providing financing.

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Pre-exit sale of a business

25 February 2021 - A pre-exit is basically a two-step sale of a business. An entrepreneur first sells part of the share capital and usually about five to seven years later the rest. Some of the capital is thus secured and the entrepreneur often continues to manage the company.

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Creating value for your business: buy and build

25 February 2021 - There are several ways to create value, such as getting your business ready for sale. Another way to create value and work on your business is through acquisitions.

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OSINT-benchmark Sportbonden: topsportmentaliteit nodig

19 februari 2021 – In een artikel over cybercriminaliteit onder de titel “Geef Hackers geen podiumplaats” riep het NOC*NSF haar leden en alle aan de sport verwante organisaties eind vorig jaar op alert te zijn voor cybercriminelen. Er worden meer en meer incidenten gemeld. Duidelijk is dat de cybercriminelen zich niet alleen meer richten op de grote wereldwijde evenementen, maar dat ook de lokale infrastructuur de aandacht van deze criminelen heeft. Een datalek kan leiden tot imagoschade en verstrekkende financiële gevolgen hebben, zowel voor de eigen organisatie als voor de bij de sportbonden betrokken organisaties (sponsoren, partners, etc.). Wees daarom bewust van de digitale footprint die uw organisatie achterlaat.

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