
At Forvis Mazars, we inform you about the recent developments and rules and regulations that can have impact on you or your organisation. Would you like to minimise your risks and maximise your opportunities? We have listed several noteworthy news items that can be of use to you.

Industrial Pension Fund for Transport: always mandatory (or not)?

22 February 2021 - On January 19, the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal rendered a groundbreaking judgment, which (among other things) determined that a Dutch transport company does not have to contribute a pension to the industry pension fund for professional goods transport by road ("Bpf Vervoer") for employees who are usually employed in Germany if no explicit choice of law was made for these employees for Dutch law.

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IFRS-standards and amendments to standards

18 February 2021 – This publication gives an overview of IFRS standards and amendments to standards not yet effective for financial year 2020. This overview could be helpful when preparing the 2020 financial statements. For example, this overview can be used to perform an assessment whether IFRS standards and amendments not yet effective, have been considered when preparing the 2020 financial statements.

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Horizontal monitoring

11 February 2021 - At the end of 2020, the Tax and Customs Administration announced how the new system of horizontal monitoring (HT) will be designed. The existing HT covenants concluded with companies and organizations are being reassessed on the basis of new conditions. In some cases, the existing covenants are even no longer valid in the long run. In this article we will discuss the changes for your transport company.

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Smart warehousing opens up new possibilities for optimization

11 February 2021 - Smart warehousing is about the smart organization of processes in the warehouse. By deploying new technologies, you can make processes even more efficient and effective and often faster and more flexible.

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Enterprise blockchain, now and in the future

11 February 2021 - Enterprise blockchain has been used within companies for more than five years, and celebrated its first lustrum at the end of 2020. That is why it is time for a (brief) review, the current state of affairs and a look into the future and possible applications within the transport sector.

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Safe traffic starts in your own company

11 February 2021 - Safety is of paramount importance within the Transport and Logistics sector. In the article below, Walter Ploos, an expert in the transport sector, highlights various techniques that transport companies can use to increase the safety of their drivers and traffic.

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Board report 2020

9 February 2021 - In the accompanying publication, we have included the most important requirements for the 2020 management report. We focus on the management reports of medium-sized and large non-listed legal entities. We have included examples for illustrative purposes. These examples are derived from the management reports of the nominees for the FD Henri Sijthoff Prize 2020 within the category "unlisted companies" (Nederlandse Spoorwegen, TenneT and Triodos Bank).

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New guidelines for revenue reporting

1 February 2021 - At the end of 2020, the Dutch Accounting Standards Board published new guidelines for the reporting of revenues (RJ-Statement 2020-15). In the accompanying publication "New Revenue Reporting Guidelines," we have listed the following changes.

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Update - Publication ‘Dutch GAAP versus IFRS’: similarities and differences

13 January 2021 - At the end of 2020, we published 'Dutch GAAP versus IFRS'. With that publication, we provide insight into the reporting rules in the Netherlands (Dutch GAAP) and the main similarities and differences with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021. Just before 2021, the Dutch Accounting Standards Board (DASB) also published new accounting standards on revenue applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022. Earlier application is permitted. In chapter 18A of the publication we have included the main similarities and differences between Dutch GAAP and IFRS based on these new accounting standards.

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Mandatory use of standard form for large ANBIs

8 January 2021 - It follows from the Government Gazette of 31 December 2020 (No. 2020-0000246185) that, since 1 January 2021, new conditions have been imposed on the publication obligation for Public Utility Bodies (ANBIs) with a certain size of income or expenditure. These so-called large ANBIs are from now on obliged to use standard forms with regard to their obligation to publish.

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Seven practical tips for WNT accountability

23 December 2020 - As an organisation, are you active in the (semi)public sector? Then you may have to deal with the Wet normering topinkomens (WNT). Drawing up the annual WNT justification is and remains a complex matter. Changes follow one another in rapid succession and the accountability must contain more information each year.

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