Ruben Dol Director

Personal quote / vision

Ruben has a keen interest in civil society organizations, because of the added value they (have to) deliver and the complexity of the environment in which they operate. The added value that can be delivered as an accountant is an important motivation for his specialization. Forvis Mazars' focus on civil society organizations, is the reason he chose to join Forvis Mazars.

Specialist experience

  • Serving organizations in the (semi) public sector, including educational institutions, museums, foundations/associations, regional cooperation bodies and organizations that manage and operate social real estate
  • Experience in auditing institutions both higher, secondary and primary education

Specific client experience

  • In addition to auditing large and medium-sized social organizations, Ruben has extensive experience in auditing projects subsidized from European and national funds and due diligence investigations of (proposed) mergers of social organizations

Education and work experience

  • 2008 | VU Amsterdam | Master of Science in Accounting & Control 
  • 2008 | VU Amsterdam | Postgraduate accountancy course 
  • 2002 - 2013| Deloitte
  • 2013 - 2016| EY
  • 2016 - 2024 | Mazars
  • 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | Director, Audit

Additional positions

  • Member of the Education Working Group of the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants
  • Been treasurer and member of the board of a church organization

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