Hardy Bruins Senior Payroll Consultant
Personal quote / vision
With an helicopter view, I support employers with questions and challenges at the intersection of employment law, payroll tax, social insurance and financial administration.
Specialist experience
- Preparing and supervising payroll audits Belastingdienst and other controlling authorities
- Translating complex laws and regulations into practical solutions for the entrepreneur and employee
- Assisting German companies with staff in the Netherlands
- Working Costs Regulation (WKR): is there a proper WKR administration? Is the usability test etcetera?
- Provide training to clients and colleagues Forvis Mazars
Work Experience
- 1995 - 1998 | Kabel Oost | Assistant Controller
- 1999 - 2004 | Countus | Team leader payroll administration
- 2005 - 2013 | Mazars | Manager Payroll
- 2014 - 2024| Mazars | Senior Payroll Consultant
- 2024 - present| Forvis Mazars | Senior Payroll Consultant
Additional positions
- Treasurer Losser Entrepreneurs Club
- Board member Swimming Club Losser
- Member of the management team of Forvis Mazars Payroll Netherlands
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Hardy Bruins
Who we are
- Ingehouden belasting: wat is de oorzaak van de afwijkingen in basistarief en toptarief?
- Terugkijken: Webinar | Update WAZO en HR-actualiteiten
- Opleidingsbudgetten worden vaak niet optimaal gebruikt
- Effective Jan. 1, 2024: equal minimum hourly wage for workers
- Paid parental leave; what is the amount your employee is entitled to?
- Terugkijken webinar | Auto en bestelauto van de zaak: wat zijn de fiscale valkuilen?
- Lonen verhogen, mag dat zomaar? Let op uw cao!
- Terugkijken webinar | De kansen van de werkkostenregeling
- Terugkijken | webinar ‘Salaris update 2022-2023’
- High energy prices, can I compensate my employees?
- Betaald ouderschapsverlof, wat moet u weten?
- The fiscal consequences of the office party
- Consequences for employer and employee when revoking declaration of no private use of car
- The intern and the liability risk
- Per 1 januari 2020 differentiatie van de WW-premie. Hoe zit dat precies?
- Waar moet u op letten bij vakantie van een zieke werknemer?
- Compensatie transitievergoeding bij arbeidsongeschiktheid