Wolfgang Völl Partner
Areas of expertise
- Business consulting
- Business Planning
- Business process reengineering
- Public-interest entities
- Planning, reporting and control: conception, tool selection, implementation (SAP and non-SAP)
- Project Management
- Corporate consulting
- Digital Finance and Controlling Transformation
- Medium-sized companies
- German
- English
Special sector knowledge
- Energy
- Manufacturing
- Life science
- Mechanical and systems engineering
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Transport and logistics
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Wolfgang Völl
- Corporate Performance Management Tools
- Performance Measurement
- ESG Agenda: This should be on your radar
- Working Capital, Risikomanagement und Jahresabschlusserstellung: Jetzt Sofortmaßnahmen ergreifen
- Case Study: So unterstützen wir das Rechnungswesen bei Belastungsspitzen
- Case Study: So optimieren wir gemeinsam Ihr Working Capital
- Case Study: So entwickeln wir mit Ihnen Ihr Risikomanagement weiter
- Our ESG solutions for sustainable success
- ESG Regulations: What are the changes from a legal perspective?
- CSRD: Your unique roadmap for sound sustainability reporting
- Taxonomy regulation: redirect capital flows into environmentally sustainable economic activities
- Transparent: our data-based ESG consulting
- TCFD: Why companies should do climate-related financial reporting
- Get information exactly when you need it with proper ESG data management
- Digital tools keep your ESG data flowing
- Transformation & automation: ESG tools and data pay off
- Messmethoden im Abfallmanagement: Herausforderung bei der ESG-Berichterstattung
- Taxonomy Regulation: New disclosure requirements for the classification of sustainable activities
- ESG: Having the right data is essential
- ESG, tools, and automation need to be considered as one
- Sustainability
- Consulting
Who we are
- Digitalisierung von Planung und Forecast als Erfolgsfaktor für Krankenhäuser
- Webinar: Schneller entscheiden, besser steuern – analytisches Reporting mit Bissantz
- Webinar: ESG in der Versicherungsbranche – Chancen und aktuelle Entwicklungen
- Newsletter „Inside Sustainability“ 1/2022
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 1/2023
- Mazars erweitert seine Healthcare & Life Sciences Kompetenzen um den Bereich Supply Chain & Procurement
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 2/2023
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 3/2023
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 4/2023
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 1/2024
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 2/2024
- Masterclass „Der Weg zum ersten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – Erfahrungen aus der Praxis“ auf der Accounting Summit 2023
- Webinar „EU-Taxonomie und CSRD: Herausforderungen und Synergien“
- Newsletter „Healthcare“ 3/2024