Transparent: our data-based ESG consulting
Transparent: our data-based ESG consulting
Here you will find an overview of all the relevant basic information on data management.
For those used to working with key performance indicators (KPIs) in the financial sector, this is familiar territory. However, most companies have little or no experience with this as it relates to sustainability. Ongoing social and legal developments make it impossible to avoid taking the steps necessary to ensure a more professional approach to sustainability issues as these constitute a Damocles Sword hanging over any future success.
We offer you the right solution for your company. With our data-based ESG consulting approach, your non-financial reporting meets the requirements of current frameworks and regulations such as the EU taxonomy, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. You also gain valuable strategic information that will help you derive specific measures to enhance your ESG performance.
Our approach
Implementing efficient sustainability measures in good time requires the seamless interaction of suitable technological solutions and the appropriate expertise. This is the only way to make the multitude of sustainability goals both predictable and controllable. Together with our cooperation partner Hailo Digital Hub, we provide you with a pioneering approach to waste management. Hailo Digital Hub is active in the sustainable and digital waste management sector. Its smart solutions help companies minimise waste and improve waste disposal, thereby improving waste management. Achieving this increases transparency, promotes a deeper understanding of the production process, and enhances the company’s sustainable development.
Hailo Digital Hub provides the hardware, networking technology, and cloud-based data analysis for the joint approach to finding solutions. Forvis Mazars adds to this its comprehensive expertise and uses this to derive meaningful indicators from the data to optimise your overall ESG strategy.
Our approach integrates ESG data acquisition, ESG data analysis/controlling, and ESG consulting into Forvis Mazars' holistic, interdisciplinary auditing and consulting concept. By doing so, we help management boards, managing directors, and sustainability managers achieve their ESG goals more efficiently, increase their ESG performance, optimise the use of resources, and develop legally-compliant reporting processes.
Our tools and solutions
Forvis Mazars and Hailo Digital Hub take your existing waste management and expand it into a dynamically controlled driver of sustainability. The system of networked hardware with wireless sensors, cloud-based AI analysis tools, and associated consulting enables your company to proactively take action at an early stage to better handle its waste management – for example through new business processes, better building design, and influencing employee behaviour. Key figures obtained digitally from waste containers show the amount, type, location, and frequency of waste produced. This analytical data provides information on the sources of waste and facilitates the recovery of recyclable materials and their return to the circular economy.
Furthermore, we are continually expanding our portfolio of data-driven ESG solutions. The intelligent handling of energy, mobility, C02 pricing, and other sustainability factors holds great promise for achieving environmental goals and meeting legal requirements more efficiently. Our solutions provide the foundation for tomorrow’s ESG-compliant governance.
Your benefit
Take advantage of the high degree of planning and process reliability we provide to help you achieve your sustainability goals. Develop and implement your ESG measures using a predictable, KPI-based process aligned with your other business goals.
Our experts will help you to successfully achieve compliance with the requirements of the EU taxonomy, the CSRD, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Having a proactive, data-driven waste management system indicates a real commitment and creates awareness among your employees of the quantities and types of waste, thereby encouraging the sustainable use of resources. This further improves your company's carbon footprint and strengthens your employees' sense of working for a future-oriented employer.