Adrian Cloer Partner

Lawyer, tax consultant, graduate economist
Areas of expertise
- International tax structuring
- European tax law
- Foreign tax law, especially Central and Eastern Europe
- Exchange of information with foreign tax authorities
Special sector knowledge
- Owner-managed companies
- Real estate
- Private individuals
- German
- English
- French
- Polish
Brief biography
- Since 2016 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2006 - 2015 PwC
- 2004 - 2006 Rödl and Partner
Adrian Cloer joined Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) as a Partner in 2016 and operates in international and European tax law areas at our Berlin office. He promotes cooperation with central and eastern European companies. Before this, he worked at a large audit firm in Berlin and Prague for nearly ten years. Adrian Cloer has in-depth knowledge of European tax law, particularly state aid law. Besides advising commercial companies to expand internationally, he mainly advises smaller and medium-sized tax consulting firms in the area of international tax law. Adrian Cloer continues to hold the professorship of taxes at the EBS University in Wiesbaden.
Participation in professional bodies of the profession and other functions. Functions
- German-Polish Lawyers Association
- International Fiscal Association
- German Society for Foreign Policy
- Association of University Teachers of Business Administration
- German Society of Tax Lawyers
Lecturing/teaching positions
- Owner of the chair for business taxation, international tax law and auditing at the EBS University of Economics and Law in Wiesbaden, Germany
- Honorary professor at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) for business taxation and tax law
- Permanent lecturer at the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants, the German Scientific Institute of Tax Consultants, the Tax Consultants Association Berlin-Brandenburg as well as at the Federal Academy of Finance
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Adrian Cloer
Who we are
- Veranstaltung: BVMW Ländertag in Kooperation mit Forvis Mazars
- Webinar Understanding the Portuguese Non-Habitual Residence Regime 2.0
- Veranstaltung: Mazars Ländertag in Kooperation mit dem BVMW Malta
- Veranstaltung: EU-Steuergespräch
- Webinar-Reihe: ATAD-Umsetzungsgesetz (ATADUmsG)
- Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2020/2021
- Die Mitteilungspflicht für Steuergestaltungen ante portas – Handlungsmöglichkeiten für den Steuerbürger
- Keine deutsche Quellensteuer auf Onlinewerbung
- Anzeigepflicht für grenzüberschreitende Steuergestaltungen wird eingeführt
- Tax act relating to Brexit (StBG)
- § 6a GrEStG stellt keine staatliche Beihilfe
- Keine Gewerbesteuer auf den Hinzurechnungsbetrag nach § 10 AStG
- Gewerbesteuerliches Schachtelprivileg
- ATAD – Richtlinie zur Bekämpfung von Steuervermeidungspraktiken
- Änderungen für Einkünfte mit Bezug zu deutschem Grundbesitz im Rahmen der beschränkten Steuerpflicht (Teil II von II)
- Änderungen für Einkünfte mit Bezug zu deutschem Grundbesitz im Rahmen der beschränkten Steuerpflicht (Teil I von II)
- Der Abzug finaler Verluste
- EuGH zum § 50d III EStG n.F.
- Sec. 1 German Foreign Tax Act - AStG only partially compliant with EU Law
- Section 4j of the German Income Tax Act (EStG) - Lizenzschranke
- BMF positioniert sich zu EuGH-Entscheidungen betreffend § 50d Abs. 3 EStG
- § 50d Abs. 3 EStG
- Einführung in das Europäische Steuerrecht