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Export Market Development Grant now open

Austrade’s Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) Scheme for the 2019 financial year is now open. The EMDG aims to encourage small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets through increased international marketing and promotional activity.

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$500K Agribusiness Grant Now Open

Coles Nurture Fund (CNF) Grants are now open offering up to $500,000 in funding to eligible small to medium Australian producers, farmers and manufacturers.

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When is a bad debt, a “bad debt”?

Unpaid debts owed to your business can significantly impact cash flow and profitability, so it is important when deducting a bad debt that the right care is taken to ensure the deduction is processed properly and in line with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines.

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FBT Exempt Taxi Travel

Employers may wish to re-consider the tax consequences of reimbursing employees for trips taken in ride-sharing vehicles for hire such as Uber.

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When disciplining employees make sure you have all your ducks in a row

If disciplinary action is necessary, employers should heed the Fair Work Commission's warning that the discipline must not only be appropriate in the circumstances of the individual employee, but it must be consistent with other disciplinary outcomes in the business generally.

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Mazars in Australia celebrates its expansion

Mazars in Australia officially launched and celebrated its expanded presence in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney during June following the merger of three well-respected professional services providers earlier in the year. The addition of Hanrick Curran in Brisbane and Cummings Flavel McCormack in Melbourne joining Mazars in Sydney and Melbourne has seen Mazars in Australia grow to over 330 staff with four offices across the Eastern Seaboard in 2019.

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ATO Tax Time focus on car claims

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has advised it will be focussing on work related car expenses this year, stating that 1 in 5 car claims are exactly at the maximum 5,000 km limit.

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Don’t forget - On 1 July 2019 your insurance cover may be changing!

In February this year, the Government passed legislation aimed at protecting low superannuation balances. These reforms commence from 1 July 2019.

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2019 Year End Tax Planning Guide

We are pleased to provide our Australian year-end tax planning guide for 2019.

Tax Planning should be done on a regular basis throughout the year. However, these tips are especially relevant to consider just before the end of the financial year.

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2019 Year End Superannuation Planning Guide

We are pleased to provide our Australian year-end superannuation planning guide for 2019.

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