German Desk

Forvis Mazars German Services Group is a dedicated team of financial and business professionals with multi-faceted experience and expertise in servicing and supporting both German companies and subsidiaries in achieving their objectives in the Australian market.

The German Desk assists companies with German origins in all stages of their corporate development in Australia.

Australia is the world’s 14th largest economy, with substantial trading and investment relationships with Germany. The strong German export-orientated economy has made Australian-German economic relations a commercial success story across a number of industries.

The Forvis Mazars German Desk consists of native German and English speaking professionals who are specialised across multiple disciplines combining both Australian and German know-how to deliver comprehensive advice. The German Desk acts as the point of contact for German businesses who are looking to expand into the Australian market or looking to expand and grow their existing Australian business operations.

The team at Forvis Mazars in Australia has a strong understanding of both the commercial landscape and regulatory environment that German companies and subsidiaries will be navigating throughout the process of achieving their objectives in the Australian market.

Forvis Mazars in Australia supports German companies: 

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