
Providing tailored support so you can play your vital role in society

Our approach

We understand the role that not-for-profit organisations and associations play in society. That is why it is important that you receive the right advice and guidance so you can maintain your tax reliefs and exemptions, as well as secure income streams and achieve operational efficiency to secure your future. 

At Forvis Mazars, our not-for-profit group is a team of experienced professionals who are experienced with the unique challenges you face. Offering a range of audit, tax and advisory services, we are committed to helping you overcome the obstacles you face and to developing a robust and sustainable operating model. 

The not-for-profit sector is defined by its diversity, which means every organisation has specific requirements. We work with a broad spectrum of not-for-profit groups, such as charities, educational institutions, housing associations, religious organisations, health care providers and private foundations. You may be a small, neighbourhood not for profit or a large, complex organisation. Regardless of size, we can provide you with solutions that are the right fit for your circumstances, rather than provide you with a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Our services

Our range of services for the not-for-profit sector include:

  • Audit Services focusing on systems and internal controls, enabling pinpoint analysis of risk areas, identifying weakness in control and inefficiencies, identifying cost reduction opportunities and improving fraud prevention and detection.
  • Financial Statements preparation and assistance – using cutting edge technology and software, assistance in design and preparation of monthly management reporting, budgets and analysis.
  • Tax advice for GST and FBT – strategic advice, planning and identifying effective business and tax related opportunities.
  • Governance, business improvement and board renewal – business coaching, business planning, strategy development and business needs assessment.
  • HR Consulting – salary packaging reviews, job analysis and design, legislative advice, HR planning, performance management programs and recruitment processes.
  • Grant acquittal reviews
  • Establishing charitable trusts
  • Tax Effective Giving - Facilitating the establishment of charitable trusts and tax effectively structuring Inter- Vivos and Bequeath giving. 

Download our Guide to tax effective giving

Charities are welcome to contact us via the link below with a view to co-brand this guide to encourage their donors to maximise their contributions and the value of donor contributions.

Services to our not-for-profit organisations and community associations are provided by specialists in this industry, including Registered Company Auditor and Business and Tax services Partners.

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