
Below is our library of Forvis Mazars videos

Sexual harassment in connection with work: Changes to the Fair Work Act and what it means

Mazars IR/ER/psychology experts provide an overview of the changed regulatory framework for sexual harassment in connection with work, what this means for employers in relation to compliance and vicarious liability, and how the enhanced employer requirements fit with existing WH&S obligations.

Changes to the Fair Work Act that will impact your business. Is your business ready?

With the passing of new amendments to the Fair Work Act, 2009 in late 2022, employers are faced with changes that will impact how they manage their workforce. This webinar will simplify this vital information so you can take proactive steps and prepare.

Mental health in the workplace: the opportunity for employers to build an open and inclusive culture

The nation's 2021 census revealed mental health now surpasses every other chronic illness. Given the prevalence of mental health concerns in society and the impact this has on our workplaces, the challenge for employers is optimising productivity whilst ensuring the workplace is free of discrimination and supportive of employees experiencing a mental health condition.
During this webinar, Mazars' IR/ER/psychology experts will provide an overview of the regulatory framework which applies to mental health in the workplace and the risks to employers that may arise in relation to discrimination, WH&S, workers compensation, Fair Work Act claims alleging unfair dismissal or a General Protections breach. You will also receive practical tips on how to manage mental health in the workplace

Mazars October 2022-23 Federal Budget update

This Mazars Federal Budget update summarises the key tax and superannuation announcements that we expect will most affect Mazars individual and business clients. See also planning suggestions for superannuation in anticipation of future tax increases.

Please note that as these are just announcements they cannot be regarded as law until legislated

Trust distributions in 2022 and beyond - Navigating the ATO's new view of the world

Employee vs contractor: Why is it important to get it right?

With freelancing and independent contractors more common than ever, it is important that employers understand how the Courts view employment terms due to the fine line between the two – overstep the line and you may risk heavy penalties.

2021-22 Federal Budget and pre-financial year end update

The 2021-22 Australian Federal Government Budget was the second of the Covid-19 budgets. We saw enormous stimulus to keep the economy in positive territory and promote the recovery of a devastated economy.

In this video summary, we will provide insight into tax changes impacting individuals, budget measures for businesses, superannuation changes, and as we move into the financial year end, some key tax planning areas to concentrate on.

A summary breakdown below:
Tax changes impacting individuals (5:24)
Budget measures for businesses (13:41)
Superannuation insights (24:18)
Other measure & tax planning considerations (32:59)

Superannuation Year End and Economic Outlook Webinar

This webinar will identify the key superannuation management matters ahead of 30 June and also provide an economic snapshot of investment markets for the year ahead.

SMSF trustees in particular should make the time to ensure the administration of their fund is on track and appropriate superannuation saving strategies have been considered.

Special guest presenter, Professor Neville Norman, will provide his professional economic insights into what we can expect to experience with investments and the shape of an economic recovery after the impacts of the pandemic. Resources from the presentation available below.

Year End Tax Planning in Uncertain Times Webinar

This webinar will cover practical strategies and tips to consider ahead of 30 June.

The 2020 financial year is certainly business as UNusual. Join in with our tax experts and give yourself space to reflect on what Covid-19 means for your particular business and investment circumstances.

This webinar will help you identify what needs to be done before 30 June to optimise your tax outcome in this year and coming years.

Business Resilience - What You Need To Know And Do To Survive COVID-19 Webinar

Join us for an informative webinar providing practical information on what businesses can and should do to survive the pandemic.

Our presenters will provide an overview of the latest JobKeeper Package, including important information businesses need to know and action now, as well as HR and employee relations considerations to keep top of mind.

We will also discuss the strategic planning steps that can be taken to safeguard and maintain business resilience during these challenging times.

International Women's Day 2020 - Mazars Australia

Mazars Australia showing our support towards International Women's Day 2020. #IWD2020 #EachforEqual

Tackling Climate Change: The role of banking regulation and supervision

Mazars partnered with OMFIF to speak on tackling climate change, how central banks are addressing climate change, how central banks are integrating climate risks into their supervisory frameworks, roadblocks to making banking regulation greener and more. The full report can be found on the Mazars website.

Mazars expands in Australia

Mazars is pleased to announce its expansion into Australia with the merger of three well-respected professional services providers based in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Mazars: Move Program - James Martin

Mazars, Audit Manager - James Martin, MOVE Program experience of working and living in New York City as well as other testimonials from all around the world.

Webinar - Governance, risk & control; Key considerations to prevent fraud and maintain control

In an evolving world where fraud and cyber-attacks are increasing, safeguarding your organisations reputation, trust and public confidence is now more important than ever, and for Not-for-Profit organisations this is even more pertinent to foster long term success and impact.

At our upcoming webinar Mazars Audit and Assurance Partner, Matthew Green will share key insights on how to maintain strong corporate governance, minimise business risk and improve internal controls.

During the webinar you will learn:
• What are the fundamental elements of good governance and who is accountable
• Common control pitfalls that can be easily overcome to dramatically reduce risk
• Developing a strong control process – what matters and practical tips to implement
• Key steps to minimise risk of fraud
• Resources available for your organisation