Let's talk people, education & culture

‘Let’s talk people, education & culture’ is the Mazars podcast designed to help you strengthen your skills in most dimensions of the HR function. Throughout our series, Mazars experts share modern approaches in key areas related to people, education and corporate culture.

Join us as we explore some of today’s hot topics – from modern management to talent attraction and new ways of working – our podcast series will provide insightful thought-starters and practical tips for high-performing organisations.

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Series 3: Retaining talent

'The great resignation’ has taught us that today’s workforce no longer hesitates to change employers when they feel their working situation no longer suits them. As a result, understanding current retention criteria and drivers for workers has become critical for managers, recruiters and HR professionals alike.  Undoubtedly,  managers play an essential role in  employee retention and there are many techniques that they can use to understand and professionally accompany employees both at an early state, but also during times where they are face-to-face with someone who has expressed their desire to leave. 

To this end, this three-part series provides practical exercises and guidance on how to identify people's drivers and conduct powerful retention conversations, as well as exit interviews. Listen below:

#EP01: The role of the Manager in retaining talent

Managers play an important role in retention, and in this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars, shares practical exercises every manager can implement to better understand what drives people at work, how they feel in their roles, and what motivates them to stay within their organisation.

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#EP02: Methodology of a powerful retention conversation

How we approach conversations can make or break an important decision. In this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars, dives deeper into the methodology behind retention conversations  and provides actionable knowledge on how to lead them when facing someone who feels disengaged, demotivated, or considers quitting. 

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#EP03: Exit interviews: learn, prevent and re-recruit

What lessons can we learn from those who decide to leave? In this final episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars, discusses the importance of exit interviews, offers advice on how to conduct them and provides insights on key learnings they can help us uncover. 

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Series 2: The great resignation

At this point, you’ve probably heard the term ‘the great resignation’, also known as ‘the big quit’ or ‘the great reshuffle’. Coined in May 2021, it refers to the ongoing economic trend that emerged in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic where businesses have witnessed employees leave on a large scale. But what’s really behind this trend and how can businesses and HR professionals respond? In this four-part series, we break down the key questions surrounding the great resignation phenomenon and offer insights and best practices for businesses. Listen below.

#EP01: The facts

Today, at any talent management or leadership conference, you are likely to hear the term ‘the great resignation’. While the phenomenon originated in the United States, it has become a global topic of discussion for HR leaders. In this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars, breaks down key questions surrounding the phenomenon, highlights noteworthy trends, and shares some key facts and figures.

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#EP02: The analysis

In recent years, it is often assumed that the motivation to leave an organisation is directly related to the pandemic. Yet, the motivation for employees to leave is more complex. In this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars addresses how the pandemic opened the door to existing phenomena that influenced people to reflect on their working conditions and the implications they have on things such as work-life balance.

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#EP03: How to respond

As businesses grapple with a talent war, employers and HR professionals need to be prepared to respond to the departure of an employee. In this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars shares advice and best practices for responding to an employee’s decision to leave as well as ways in which organisations can prevent this from happening in the first place.

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#EP04: How to prevent

When we talk about keeping employees, many businesses think about retention. However, the most important asset to prevention is continuous access to learning, training and upskilling. In this episode, Laurent Choain, Chief Leadership, Education and Culture, Mazars explains why and emphasises the importance of focusing on the employability of talent from the very start.

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Series 1: Peer Coaching

In today’s professional world, having a coach has become a sought-after attribute as well as an asset to develop and perform better, but few can afford a professional coach – peer coaching provides a powerful alternative. This series of four episodes discusses a modern approach to peer coaching, providing both theory and tools to help diffuse such a culture in an organisation. The basic premise: everybody can have a coach and everybody can be a coach. Listen below.

#EP01: What is peer coaching about?

This episode discusses the evolution, purpose, and scope of peer coaching. Listeners will learn about what can be expected by engaging in peer coaching both as a coach  and as a ‘coachee’: the possible positive gains but also the limits of the exercise.  

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#EP02: How to get started with peer coaching

In this episode, Mazars’ experts talk the audience through some key advice to properly organise peer coaching: is it complicated? Which to resources to mobilise? How to create the right context? It cannot be left up to chance. 

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#EP03: Golden rules of peer coaching

This episode conveys the 10 simple rules to being a great coach for one’s peers. With these principles in mind, managers will learn how to raise the coaching appetite of a peer as well as work out their own coaching style. 

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#EP04: How to organise effective peer coaching sessions 

To conclude this first series about peer coaching this last episode provides practical techniques for managers to organise enjoyable, effective, and useful peer coaching sessions. A special attention is paid to the first 1:1 peer coaching meeting before discussing more in details the posture and methods for great follow-up discussions.

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