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Payday Super reforms – updated guidance and information released by Federal Treasury

On 18 September 2024, the Australian Government released a Factsheet detailing the upcoming reforms with the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) regime, known as Payday Super.

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Next gen leadership: Forvis Mazars promotes new Partner and five senior leaders

International audit, tax, and advisory firm, Forvis Mazars announce promotions of Pei-hua Loke to Partner and David Xu, Kareena Nihalani, Kino Xiong, Susan Kamau and Stephanie Sheppard to senior leadership positions reflecting Forvis Mazars’ ongoing commitment to developing talent and sustainable business growth.

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Aged care changes looming

Changes to aged care fees are coming, and they will impact both home care and residential care. After a long wait and lots of speculation, the Federal government has released details of the proposed changes. While some people will see their fees increase, the good news is that aged care remains heavily subsidised, and fees will continue to be based on your financial situation to help with affordability.

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Fix the problems before you sell

You're considering selling your company. Is purchaser tax due diligence likely to create any problems for you? It's better to know in advance.

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Preparing for intergenerational change in family businesses

Intergenerational change is a pivotal event in the life cycle of a privately owned business. Beyond the emotional and operational aspects, there are significant tax and advisory considerations that can profoundly impact the success of the transition.

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Protect your business from scrutiny: The importance of professional advice in corporate restructures

Undertaking a corporate restructure or transaction with related parties comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it involves navigating tax regulations and potential disputes with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

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Closing Loopholes: Key changes from 26 August

Monday 26 August 2024 marks the beginning of a number of legislative amendments to the Fair Work Act introduced by the “Closing Loopholes” legislation.

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The right to disconnect – workplace right commences

The new workplace right – the right to disconnect, commenced for the vast majority of employees on 26 August 2024. Employees of small businesses will have the same workplace right from 26 August 2025.

All modern Awards have been amended to include a clause on the right to disconnect.

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GO-al setting time: performance management cycle

This time of year often marks the beginning of a new performance management cycle across many organisations and step one often involves setting goals with your employees for the upcoming year. Here’s how you can prepare for, and run, a successful goal-setting meeting.

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How can tax planning strategies improve cash flow

There are many ways businesses can help cash flow with tax planning strategies that not only benefit the business but, in some instances, also their employees.

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