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The benefits of timely year end planning

As 30 June starts to come into view, business owners should take the time to estimate how the 2020/2021 year will end up, take a snapshot of the year and determine what tax liability is likely to result and most importantly what the options are to minimise those liabilities.

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Mazars Sydney appoints Joint Managing Partner

Mazars in Sydney is delighted to announce the appointment of Matthew Ashley to the position of Joint Managing Partner alongside Jim Mascitelli, as we move away from the traditional Managing Partner model and continue to innovate as part of our client-centric approach.

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Superannuation guarantee increases from 9.5% to 10% from 1 July 2021

The superannuation guarantee is an amount that an employer must pay into a superannuation account on behalf of each of their employees. 

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Workplace sexual harassment - employer responsibility is about to get more difficult

What do employees need to do?

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5 tips for using your financials to improve your business

With preparation of year-end financials underway, it’s timely to explore where the opportunities for improving business results can be found in your financials.

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The 6 common mistakes you could be making as a business owner

It is said that mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before – that’s why learning from them is so important. Whether they pay off or not, taking risks is a key part of running a business.

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Mazars Melbourne appoints HR Consulting Partner

In response to the growing need for HR advisory services amongst clients, Mazars Melbourne announces the appointment of Greg Halse to Partner of Mazars HR consulting division.

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NSW property tax changes – commercial property

Recently, we published the first of three articles regarding the proposed NSW Government Property Tax reform. Following that analysis, which was on residential investment property, this article turns the spotlight onto commercial property.

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SME Recovery Loan Scheme

The Federal Government has announced an extension to the SME Guarantee Scheme following our previous article regarding the launch of Phase 2 of the existing SME Guarantee Scheme which came into effect on 1 October 2020.

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Amendments to Fair Work Act provide clarity on Casual Employment

The meaning of Casual employment has been the subject of much debate over many years. Two recent decisions in the Federal Court, both involving the employer Workpac, challenged the accepted concept of casual employment. In both of the Workpac cases the Federal Court awarded leave entitlements to employees who had been engaged as casual employees. The latter of these two decisions is currently before the High Court on Appeal.

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