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Predictions on the hot employment topics for 2021

We expect that most of us woke up on the 1st of January hoping that the challenges of 2020 were firmly in the rear-view mirror. We remain optimistic that the worst of the 2020 challenges, particularly the impact of coronavirus, will ease as we move through 2021 with the rollout of vaccinations locally and across the world.

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JobKeeper extension 2

Enrolment for the second JobKeeper Payment extension is now open. The extension will cover the JobKeeper fortnights between Monday 4 January 2021 and Sunday 28 March 2021.

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$2 million loan to assist first start farmers and succession planning

The Federal Government backed lender, Regional Investment Corporation (RIC), have launched their anticipated AgriStarter loan to assist first time farmers and support farm succession plan arrangements.

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Government proposes changes to Fair Work Act

On Wednesday 9 December 2020, the Federal Government tabled a Bill with a number of proposed changes to the Fair Work Act, 2009. Importantly, these proposed changes are not law and may well again change or not be pursued by the Government when Parliament resumes in 2021.

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What you need to know to claim staff gifts and celebrations this year

The countdown to Christmas has begun! Decorations are being put up, and Christmas parties are booked in. Many Australian businesses will pay for their staff, and in some cases partners, to kick up their heels at an end of year celebration or give a nice gift.

As an employer, there are a few things to be aware of when planning Christmas parties or giving gifts, if you want to keep your tax bill in check or claim a deduction on your festivities.

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E-bikes – the next salary packaging craze?

Australia offering fast tracked permanent residency for global talent

It’s official – Australia is actively seeking the best and brightest talent from around the world and will bend the visa rules when they find it!

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Victorian state budget 2020-2021

NSW Budget 2020-21

The NSW Budget released on 17 November 2020 offers further necessary tax relief and incentives particularly for small business employers, commercial landlords and retail tenants. Perhaps more significantly, it heralds significant state tax reform which may be a template for similar reforms in other states and territories.

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Reshaping businesses in the time of Covid

If you own, run or manage a business then uncertainty is part of your daily life. It is an inescapable reality that can throw strategies off course and stunt progress. But uncertainty can also be a catalyst for change. When ‘business as usual’ is no longer possible, it creates a moment for leadership to pause and consider what the business does next.

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