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10 habits of successful business owners

Managing a business can often resemble a juggling act with a seemingly never-ending laundry list of things to do. With a long-standing history of working with business owners Mazars advisers have identified several habits common to successful business owners. In this article we have listed the top 10 habits we witness to help you compare and contrast with the view to adding a few more good habits to your schedule.

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Payroll tax for medical centres – An uncertain prognosis

Until last week, the payroll tax prognosis for medical centres seemed to have some clarity. The Revenue Offices in both NSW and Queensland seemed to have settled on policies that payments made by medical centres to health practitioners were subject to payroll tax in qualifying circumstances. However, a segment in an ABC Radio news program in Brisbane last week has left that status in doubt.

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Are electric vehicles really tax free?

Salary Packaging a car has always been attractive thanks to concessional valuation rules that provide a ‘statutory formula’ based on 20% of the cost of the car to calculate the value of the car benefit for Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) purposes.

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Payroll tax for medical centres – QLD Revenue Office takes the lead

QLD Revenue Office (QRO) is the first Australian State Revenue Authority to fully commit to a compliance position on the application of payroll tax to the complex area of medical centres. In a largely unpublicised move, it has issued a ruling on how it will apply the law to payments made by medical centres to health practitioners.

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Mazars 2022 TaxVent calendar

With the festive upon us Mazars Tax Specialists have compiled a TaxVent calendar with 12 Tax Tips to keep in mind this festive season.

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Private use of assets held in business

Thinking about using your business / investment entity’s assets for your own benefit? Assets that are held by separate entities but that are being used for your own benefit or enjoyment can potentially attract unwanted tax outcomes.

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Director responsibilities and Director Penalty Notices

With the recent shift by the ATO to firmer debt collection actions, we are seeing Director Penalty Notices being issued at a greater rate than seen previously and feel it is important to remind directors of their responsibilities.

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NSW property tax and land tax – year end planning

Statement of tax record – Requirements for Commonwealth Government tender

From 01 July 2019, businesses tendering for Commonwealth Government procurements that have an estimated total value of over $4 million (including GST) must obtain a statement of tax record (STR) showing satisfactory engagement with the tax system.

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End of year function risk management

A workplace end of year function is a great way to unwind, relax and celebrate the achievements of another year. However, it is important for employers to remember that the end of year function is still part of work and therefore the same occupational health and safety (OH&S) rules apply, even if you are holding your function at an external venue away from your usual workplace.

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