Webinar | Tax Planning in Uncertain Times

Thursday 21 May 2020

This webinar covers practical strategies and tips to consider ahead of 30 June.
The 2020 financial year is certainly business as UNusual. Our tax experts reflect on what Covid-19 means for your business and investment circumstances.
This webinar helps to identify what needs to be done before 30 June to optimise tax outcomes in this year and coming years.

Year End Tax Planning in Uncertain Times Webinar

This webinar will cover practical strategies and tips to consider ahead of 30 June.

The 2020 financial year is certainly business as UNusual. Join in with our tax experts and give yourself space to reflect on what Covid-19 means for your particular business and investment circumstances.

This webinar will help you identify what needs to be done before 30 June to optimise your tax outcome in this year and coming years.

Want to know more?