July 14, 2021 - The European Commission has issued two adequacy decisions for personal data transfers between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). Is your organization based in the EU and personal data is transferred to organizations in the UK? If so, nothing changes. Despite the fact that the UK is no longer part of the EU, the Brexit will not affect the transfer of personal data.
June 14, 2021 - The European Commission (EC) has approved a new model contract that companies can use for transfers of personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to countries outside the EEA with a non-adequate level of privacy protection. This is important news for companies that already use such a model contract. These companies should ensure that within 18 months their current contracts...
For entrepreneurs who do business directly or indirectly with the United Kingdom, Brexit has major consequences. Mazars would like to inform you about the various developments in this area.
Privacy is an issue that is growing in size, complexity and relevance. When you process personal data, you are obliged to safeguard the privacy of these individuals. But do you know which privacy regulations and principles your data processing must comply with? And are you aware of the risks involved in data processing?
Belangenorganisaties beschikken vaak over grote hoeveelheden digitaal verwerkte persoonsgegevens. Dit kunnen gegevens zijn van leden, donateurs, individuen uit de achterban of andere specifieke doelgroepen. Misbruik van deze gegevens kan nadelige gevolgen hebben voor betrokkenen en leiden tot reputatie- en/of financiële schade. Het is daarom van groot belang voor belangenorganisaties om de risico’s...