Privacy Compliance

Privacy is an issue that is growing in size, complexity and relevance. When you process personal data, you are obliged to safeguard the privacy of these individuals. But do you know which privacy regulations and principles your data processing must comply with? And are you aware of the risks involved in data processing?

Your organisation is expected to handle personal data with care.

In this respect, the legal framework from the General Data Protection Regulation is leading, but we also focus on specific sectoral laws and regulations. We do not only look at the formal procedural aspects, but also at the design and operation of IT systems and the technical security of personal data.

We prefer to act as preventively as possible. Data processing operations set up in accordance with the principles of 'Privacy by Design' preventively guarantee that you comply with the privacy rules. In this way you will not face any unnecessary surprises, investments will be protected and your stakeholders can rely on your systems.

Forvis Mazars can help you with

The specialists of IT Audit & Advisory have extensive experience in conducting Privacy Impact Assessments and can provide you with privacy assurance reports or certifications if required. They can also advise you on all IT and privacy related issues.

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