
Legislation and regulations are often complex, change rapidly and may have a major impact on your business operations. Compliance is not just about complying with laws and regulations, but also about complying with the (behavioural) standards that your organisation has set itself. Standards that tell how employees should interact with each other and with your customers. We are convinced that a proper set-up of compliance adds value to your organisation.

Compliance management

Are you struggling to identify, implement and monitor all the legislation and regulations that apply to your organisation? Together with you, we will set up an adequately functioning compliance function. We take your organisation as our starting point and look for a practical solution to integrate compliance into your business operations.

We provide insight into legislation and regulations, scout for the risks and help you to manage them. We can also support or coach your compliance officer or department in the execution of the work.

Internal control

You have formed a picture of your compliance risks. However, you do not know whether these risks are adequately and efficiently managed. Forvis Mazars can support you by setting up a risk control framework. This enables us to provide a structured picture of the risks you run, how they are managed, which improvements are possible and how you can refine and monitor these controls. Together, we assess whether your current policies and procedures sufficiently guarantee that you are and remain in compliance.


Do you want to be sure that you comply with the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het Financieel Toezicht - Wft), the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en terrorismefinanciering - Wwft) or the Sanctions Act (Sanctiewet - Sw)? Has the supervisor pointed out to you that you are not yet fully in compliance? Forvis Mazars can carry out an audit of the set-up, existence and operation of the control measures. We can also support you in setting up and implementing a recovery programme or implementing additional measures. Together with the Data Analytics & Insights team we investigate whether the use of data analysis techniques can be helpful in this.

Systematic integrity risk analysis (SIRA) 

As a financial institution, you are obliged to carry out a SIRA and you are looking for a party who can help you with this. Forvis Mazars has extensive experience in providing insight into integrity risks in (financial) institutions. Together with you, we facilitate or review a SIRA. We use the outcome to advise you on how to improve your internal control.

Fraud and corruption prevention

Have you recently faced fraud or blind spots in the internal control of fraud risks? We provide a proportional risk assessment and help you implement improvements in fraud prevention and detection.

AEO licence 

Are you one of over 1,000 companies in the Netherlands that holds an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) licence and would you like to retain this status? Or would you like to obtain this certification? We carry out an AEO scan and offer insight into your (customs) processes so that you are optimally prepared for the self-assessment. In addition, we can support you in setting up a monitoring programme, with which it remains clear whether you still meet the AEO requirements.

Privacy audits 

You have implemented the GDPR in your organisation, but you want additional assurance that the privacy of your employees and customers is sufficiently safeguarded. Together with the experts of IT Audit & Advisory, we can provide you with a structured picture of the risks that you may still run. We use the outcome to advise you on appropriate improvements aimed at compliance with the GDPR.

Internal (behavioural) standards

Are you dissatisfied with how people in your organisation treat each other and your clients? Or are you looking for a way to define, measure and monitor the required (behavioural) standards? Together with you, we will look for the standard that matches your organisation best. We conduct interviews and facilitate group discussions through workshops. We use the insights to formulate action plans and to help the organisation move forward.

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