Digital Assurance

Present day organisations are confronted with a multitude of applications, whether or not in the cloud and sometimes also with applications from customers, suppliers and data services. We have noticed an increasing number of links and the use of algorithms, robotics, AI and other forms of middleware.

The traditional role of Forvis Mazars as a provider of financial accountability is widening. The professional who provides this assurance sometimes also has a different profile and background. The IT Audit & Advisory team can provide assurance on all kinds of non-financial issues such as:

  • RPA: Does the equipped robot operate as expected and is it consistent?
  • Algorithms and AI scripts: does the algorithm or AI script work as it was intended?
  • Migrations / Conversions / Post-implementation audits: has a conversion of data taken place correctly and completely? Has a migration been completed with sufficient quality?
  • Logic in IT systems: does the calculation logic in a system work sufficiently verifiable?

Depending on the issue and your wishes, we can determine the effectiveness of a specific action or measure, for example in the form of a post-implementation audit. Or over a longer period of time through certification of an algorithm, middleware or the equipped robot and the management process concerning these objects. The manner in which this is reported is often in the form of a so-called ISAE 3000 statement. This is the most prominent third party memorandum in the market.

Forvis Mazars can help you with

In addition to qualified IT auditors, the Forvis Mazars IT Audit & Advisory team consists of specialists and advisors in the field of IT governance and compliance, privacy regulation, information security, cybersecurity and data analysis. Our team is compact, agile, has specialist knowledge and national and international coverage. Our knowledge and experience range from providing all kinds of digital assurance and removing cybersecurity risks to determining whether the relevant digital laws and regulations are complied with. Furthermore, we can identify issues in IT projects, perform IT due diligence and veritably digitally transform an entire (IT) organisation.

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