Audit readiness

We can assist you in structuring the setup of your finance department and (reporting) processes, ensuring readiness for the audit.

Drawing from our experience in financial auditing, we have expertise in establishing effective and efficient financial functions across various industries and organisations. Leveraging this expertise, we provide guidance on shaping the design of your financial function and its underlying processes, so that you can accurately and timely report your financial figures. 

Additionally, we offer support in ensuring that your organisation is 'audit ready.' Given our insight into the focus and expectations of independent auditors, we help you prepare so that you are well-equipped for the audit. The objective is to facilitate a smooth audit process, minimizing the potential for unnecessary costs of additional work. 

Our services 

Quality financial close: we assess the current quality of your financial close and reporting process, providing advice on opportunities for improvement. This may involve automating manual processes, enhancing your accounting manual, providing support with consolidation, or assisting in setting up a template annual report. 

Audit readiness: we streamline your preparation process for the start of the audit, establish a clear audit trail and ensure precise documentation. This preparation ensures that your organisation is well-prepared for a 'no surprises' audit. This readiness covers both financial information and non-financial information that you report, such as ESG reporting. 

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