Audit & accounting advisory

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are constantly under development. Complying with the standards, following the latest developments and analysing their possible impact can be an enormous challenge. Are you looking for expertise to help you with this? If so, you have found the right people at Forvis Mazars.

Periodic conversions, support and advice

Do you regularly have financial statements that need to comply with the IFRS? Or do you require incidental support, for example working out an acquisition (making the case internally and providing the notes for the annual financial statements), conducting impairment analyses or implementing lease or revenue recognition matters? The experienced specialists at Forvis Mazars will help you with periodic conversions and resolving incidental issues. They will also provide support and advice on:

  • Complete (or partial) transitions to IFRS
  • Applying amended or new IFRS standards
  • Applying the IFRS standards in complex transactions (such as acquisitions, consolidation entities and pension schemes)
  • Ensuring that annual financial statements or other reports (for example for group purposes) comply with the IFRS standards
  • Second opinions
  • IFRS reports for SMEs (unlisted small and medium-sized enterprises)
  • Providing in-house IFRS training

Information about the latest developments

Our specialists are directly involved in further developing the IFRS standards: to this end they are seconded to the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). We therefore always incorporate information about the latest developments in our activities. Alongside thorough knowledge of the Dutch rules and the IFRS standards, the specialists at Forvis Mazars also have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of US GAAP, UK GAAP and other international reporting rules structures.

Want to know more?

Do you want to know more about IFRS? Please contact Dingeman Manschot by e-mail or by telephone (+31 (0)88 277 10 70) or Inge van Sloun by e-mail or by telephone (+31 (0)88 277 17 63). They will be happy to help you.


Publication on Dutch GAAP versus IFRS
The impact of IFRS 16 on your processes - 2020
Forvis Mazars Audit & Accounting Advisory Services

Want to know more?