Media mentions

You will find here articles published in the press about Forvis Mazars or quoting Forvis Mazars professionals.

"Ghosts in the machines", A+ Magazine (June 2014)

The incidence of cybercrimes is rising worldwide, and Hong Kong is not immune. George W. Russell asks experts about the latest weaponry on both sides and finds out how CPAs can be front line soldiers in the battle against computer hacking

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Due diligence in China, Journal of Accountancy (December 2014)

Due diligence, especially at private companies, requires professional skepticism, persistence, and cultural sensitivity when evaluating an investment opportunity in China.

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Anthony Tam interviewed by SCMP on VAT reform

Anthony Tam, Mazars Hong Kong Tax Partner shared his insights on the upcoming VAT reform in the SCMP article "China's plan to extend VAT to property leaves players bracing for impact​".

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A+ magazine interviews one of Mazars' secondees

An overseas secondment is one of the most popular attractions of an accounting career. Jemelyn Yadao discovers the challenges of global mobility programmes and how a free ticket overseas can benefit both staff and firms...

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Paul She shares his passion for writing with Jemelyn Yadao

Whether it’s about the latest accounting issues or the hottest Hong Kong eateries, many CPAs are passionately putting pen to paper – or keystrokes to screens.

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Constraints of the "Chinese Eldorado" for entrepreneurs, Connexions (November 2014)

The Autumn 2014 issue of Connexions, the in-house magazine if the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, is a special focus on the entrepreneurs' ambitions in China.

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Stephen Weatherseed quoted in A+ magazine

In the final part of the series commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Institute, A Plus looks at recent events and developments in Hong Kong and China, and shares members’ forecasts for the profession’s future.

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Anthony Tam interviewed by George Russell on tax issues

With the action plan recently announced by OECD, new rules intended to reshape international company tax practices could be in place as early as next year...

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Keeping your options open - A+ magazine, September 2013

With Hong Kong’s business environment becoming more complex, accounting firms have expanded and so have specialist opportunities for CPAs.

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Erik Stroeve interviewed by China Daily on China's signature of the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

On 27 August 2013, China joined the international effort to fight tax avoidance and evasion by signing the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

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