Michael Rinas Partner

Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Financial services
- Real estate
- Consumer
- Industrials
- German
- English
Brief biography
- Since 2016 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2008 - 2016 PwC / PwC Legal
- 2004 - 2008 International commercial law firms (Tokyo, Berlin, Nuremberg)
- 2002 - 2004 Legal clerkship in Berlin, Tokyo, Pretoria
- Studied law and Japanese studies in Berlin and Master's degree in law in Tokyo and London
Michael Rinas joined Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) as a Partner in 2016 and is responsible for legal and tax advice in asset management/investment management within the law firm. Previously, he worked for the asset management/investment management department at PwC in Berlin. Michael Rinas focuses on legal and tax advice to companies in the financial sector and provides comprehensive guidance on strategic orientations of financial companies and banks, licensing procedures, structuring of investment funds and financing and legal and tax transaction advice for investment funds. Simultaneously, Michael Rinas advises young companies ("start-ups," "FinTechs") as well as their shareholders and financiers on strategic, corporate, regulatory and tax issues and develops concepts together with clients to advance digitalization in the financial sector. One area is comprehensive advice on virtual currencies and global ICO procedures.
Lecturing / teaching assignments
- EBS University of Business and Law
- KAGB - Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch - Band 1 Kapitalanlagerecht, Frankfurter Kommentar, R&W Verlag, 2016, Co-Kommentato
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Michael Rinas
- Disclosure Regulation introduces new obligations for financial market participants
- Well prepared for the Disclosure Regulation
- COP27 Finance: Transforming ambitions into credible actions
- Sustainable Finance Policy Tracker
- Start-up, venture capital, and technology transactions
- Eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft durch nachhaltige Finanzunternehmen
- Unser Leistungsportfolio
- Asia and Pacific
- Financial and insurance supervision
- Corporate
Who we are
- Forvis Mazars berät ILG Capital GmbH bei institutionellem Immobilienmandat über 400 Mio. €
- Sustainability practices stocktake: how banks and insurers have progressed
- Sondermodul des BAFA-Beraterzuschuss für Corona-betroffene Unternehmen eingestellt
- COVID-19: Insolvenzrecht
- Gewerberaummietrecht in Zeiten der Corona-Krise
- Gremiensitzungen in Zeiten der Beschränkungen wegen COVID-19
- Finance ministers decide on change to real estate transfer tax in share deals
- Bundesgerichtshof kassiert Schriftformheilungsklauseln
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen im EU-Prospektrecht
- Auf der Expo Real im Fokus: verschärfte Kreditkonditionen und Immobilientransaktionen