Well prepared for the Disclosure Regulation

Since March 2021, financial market participants and financial advisers have been obligated by the new Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) to provide pre-contractual information and ongoing disclosures in regular reports and on websites to end investors.

The new information requirements encompass sustainability risks, potential adverse effects on sustainability, and environmental and social aspects. In addition, from January 2023 onward, the requirements of the Delegate Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 (Regulatory Technical Standards, RTS for short) must be met and all six environmental objectives of the EU taxonomy must be taken into account when disclosing sustainability information.

Here you will find an overview of all the relevant basic information on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

Our approach

Our experts will expertly guide you in solving all the challenges that lie ahead due to the Disclosure Regulation – we begin by analysing the status quo, then help you develop an appropriate improvement plan, and finally work with you to implement the necessary measures.

It is particularly important to us that you thoroughly understand all the Disclosure Regulation requirements affecting your company and what these mean, as well as what changes are necessary and why. We also support your employees through workshops and training courses.

Through regular updates, we keep you informed of the latest news regarding changes and adjustments to the Disclosure Regulation.

Our solutions

Our experts are there to assist you with all relevant questions.

Regulatory consulting and practical advice implementing the regulations:

  • Impact analysis: Which product information sheets must contain which information?
  • Ascertain the degree of implementation: What information does the company currently provide on its website and product information sheets?
  • Gap analysis What is missing and still needs work? Are there any questions about how to interpret the rules? How has the competition implemented the measures?

Support in implementing the regulatory requirements:

  • Close the identified gaps, taking into account the existing company structures and forms
  • Quality assurance as it relates to the correctness/completeness of the information in accordance with the SFDR
  • Process optimisation to ensure consistent compliance with the disclosure requirements

Advice on structuring and designing the website for sustainability-related disclosure:

  • Analysis of the current UX strategy for reporting on the website and documentation of suggested improvements
  • Development of a plan to optimally position the information on the website to enhance the customer journey

Voluntary audit of the company’s compliance with the disclosure requirements:

  • Definition of the audit’s subject matter/scope
  • Documentation of the necessary measures and information
  • Gathering of proof and discussion of how the information will be presented
  • Issuance of a test certificate

How you benefit

You benefit from an interdisciplinary team that combines our extensive expertise in the fields of sustainability, regulation, process and IT consulting. This experience and expertise enables us to develop tailor-made solutions for you and respond quickly and flexibly to your individual needs. Making your website user-friendly increases your customers' trust and enhances the customer journey for them.

Please contact us to learn more
