
You will find here all Forvis Mazars informative podcasts.

Are you next on the ATO's list?

Could the ATO have you in its sights?

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Could you be accused of wage theft?

“Oh no, I’ve stuffed up the payroll and underpaid my staff!” Heard that one before? Cheryl-Anne Laird of Mazars will tell you how easy and how common it is to make mistakes in payroll.

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Financing your business post Covid

So, you’ve survived COVID – so far. But at what cost? And as government support reduces, how will you manage to rebuild a viable business into the future?

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Is working from home the new normal?

Australians should be proud for achieving what many would have said was impossible, and that’s continuing to work through 2020 as offices closed around the country and staff in their droves retreated home.

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Is an SMSF right for you?

We all want to live happily ever after work, don’t we? And that means shoring up all those superannuation savings we’ve made over the years so there’s money in the bank come retirement.

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Federal Budget 2020 - turbo charged for business

On October 6th, Josh Frydenberg announced the most significant Federal Budget since any of us can probably remember.

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The 15 year CGT exemption

Selling your business assets tax free, with generous contribution allowances into superannuation – that’s the Small Business CGT concession 15-year exemption and it’s a great tax concession for business owners. But you need to plan ahead to qualify.

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Jobkeeper extension - Who's eligible?

First an extension, and now some adjustments to the Federal Government’s JobKeeper payments scheme.

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Snapshot on tax and Australian residency

Employees around the country are preparing themselves for tax time, many of whom are trying to figure out whether they're Australian residents for tax purposes

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Introducing the Director Identification Number regime - what you need to know

Amid what has been a turbulent end of financial year, it is likely for many advisers and clients that the introduction of the Director Identification Number regime may have gone unnoticed.

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