
You will find here all Forvis Mazars informative podcasts.

Building a respectful workplace

In recent years, there has been a real shift in society with calling out bullying and harassment at work. The Fair Work act prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace, and there is now an onus on business leaders to take steps to prevent unwarranted behaviour.

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Being refinance ready in 2023

Australia has had a series of ten consecutive rate rises to the official cash rate to 3.6%, which is the highest since May 2012. Businesses are faced with a higher inflationary pressure from a rising cost of doing business.

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New flexible work arrangements & your obligations

Employers have to make a genuine effort to accommodate an employee’s request for flexible work arrangements. That’s one of the new rules to take effect on 6 June, 2023, following changes to the Fair Work Legislation.

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SMSFs - opportunities and risks for older members

For those with a self-managed super fund, what happens if you become incapacitated or when you die? It’s not the cheeriest of subjects, but it’s important to plan well in advance, for your peace and that of your loved ones.

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Let's talk people, education & culture

‘Let’s talk people, education & culture’ is the Mazars podcast designed to help you strengthen your skills in most dimensions of the HR function. Throughout our series, Mazars experts share modern approaches in key areas related to people, education and corporate culture.

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Federal Budget: a look at superannuation

Despite there being no changes to superannuation in this year’s federal Budget, it’s a good opportunity to think about your own super and – particularly SMSF members – to prepare your fund balances to manage tax today and for any possibly future changes.

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Are your assets protected?

Protecting assets from risk and unnecessary taxation is an art as much as it is a science. That’s according to Nathanael Lee, partner at Mazars — a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm.

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The business case for lower emissions

An acronym on the lips of an ever-increasing number of businesses is ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance. Much of the focus on the environmental component is reducing carbon emissions.

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Trustees under the ATO spotlight

Discretionary trusts have been popular structures among family businesses and other groups because of their flexibility, their protection against assets, and their limited tax consequences.

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The pros and cons of outsourcing your payroll function

To outsource certain functions or keep them in-house? A key question business owners are asking as they grow and scale, and payroll is one task that makes sense, particularly from a cost-based perspective.

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